Steemolo and the Trickle Up Adventure | 5% to SL Charity

For many years now, the inhabitants of the water world - Steemlantic - have grown ever more discontent. Despite the growth in population, the smaller aquatic creatures still have a difficult time accumulating Steem Power from the vast waters. Thousands of Plankton are still stuck on the ocean floor, and far too many Minnows can't swim into the deep, dark abyss to harness that much sought after Steem Power. Even with the help of Dolphins, Minnows can never reach the depths of the Orcas or Whales, and certainly can not compete with the occasional Shark!

Our story begins with Steemolo, a Minnow whose parents gave him that name - which means Little Steem Minnow - to always remind him of his place in the Steemlantic ecosystem. After years of swimming in shallow waters, collecting small amounts of Steem Power here and there, Steemolo, out of frustration, decided to swim towards the dark depths of the ocean where legends spoke of unbelievable quantities of Steem Power, and great storms that blackened the sky! As he swam with tenacious determination towards the deep, a Voice called to him, and warned him to go no further, or risk losing his life!

"Who are you? What do you want from me? I'm tired of living this Minnow life!" Steemolo lamented.

"Swim away from the deep as far as you can, and you will find another life. It's time to fly, Steemolo, it's time to fly!" responded the Voice.

"But I'm a fish; I can't fly!" he argued.

"Swim away from the deep as far as you can, and when you reach the right moment, repeat - TIME TO FLY - 3 times!" the Voice commanded, and then disappeared.

Steemolo, tired and confused, turned around and began to swim back towards shallow waters. Distracted by the thoughts of that mysterious Voice, Steemolo did not notice that he swam much further away from where he had spent most of his life. He noticed ahead of him, that the plant life was different; there were large stalks of strange grass that rose above the water.

"Life above the surface of the water?" he questioned, "How is that possible? I've only ever seen Dolphins break through the water/air barrier!"

Looking more intently ahead, as he swam towards the grassy jungle, he noticed a Golden Blade of Grass rising out of the water, with a drop ofSteem Power hanging from the tip. He thought about the words of the Voice, and imagined that this must be the right moment!


As he spoke those magic words, a colossal white cloud appeared in the sky, and a Fiery Being flew down towards the amazed Minnow!

"Well done Steemolo! Now you can live a new life. Climb up the Golden Blade, and collect your droplet of Steem Power. From tomorrow on, you will be able to collect your Steem Power from the Inverted Waterfalls, and day after day you will collect more and more, and fly higher and higher, until one day you become as I am. The Inverted Waterfalls rise from the deepest depths of your ocean world, where only larger fish can swim, and draw liquidity from the subaquatic abyss, converting it into billions of droplets of Steem Power, and raining it down across the globe. Are you ready Steemolo?" the Fire Being asked.

"I'm ready!" Steemolo proclaimed with great courage.

The Fire Being rose, and flew towards the Inverted Waterfalls, and Steemolo began to feel a strange sensation under his belly, as legs grew out from his body. Slowly, and cautiously, he climbed the Golden Blade of Grass until he reached the tip and collected his droplet of Steem Power. Suddenly, from his back began to spring out wings. Again, he heard the Voice of the Fire Being.

"No longer will Steemlantic be your home! You are now a Honeybee! So fly Honeybee, TIME TO FLY!"


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