The legend about the Witch from Lubuskie - Polish legends by @papi.mati


That's the 7th post from that series which in total will include 16 publications. If you want to read the previous legend published by me, check those links:

  1. Why swans mate for life
  2. About the good devil who gave the pipe to Janek
  3. About the lake Leleskie and the evil governor
  4. About the brave Netta who saved the king
  5. About creating Warsaw
  6. About a little but brave ghost

It's the legend, so obviously it's not the story I created, but it may vary a bit from the versions that other people know. I wrote it on my own, with my words, in a way it was said to me when I was a child and how I remembered it.

The legend about the Witch from Lubuskie

In the old days, when infernal demons were regularly leaving their kingdom and going among the people to kidnap human souls, one of the devils visited Earth and found his victim near Lake Błędno. With time, he turned the girl into a witch who had been practicing magic tricks for years.

For safety, she left her hometown and lived in a little cabin by the lake, where she could do her mischief. Over time, people forgot about her, but the information about the witch lived in legends and stories. Years passed, people were busy with work, but just to be safe they were avoiding the cabin by the lake. Many people were born in the village and many have died since the story really begin.

After years, a peasant who did not want to believe in terrible legends and human stories moved into the village. He made fun of people who, as he was saying, believe in fairy tales and false stories. One day after finishing work, he met others villagers talking about the witch. Swore that they saw her fly on her broom and that she looked like the devil himself. The peasant began to ridicule the others. Even though the next two people confirmed the story, the peasant didn't believe it anyway.

He thought they wanted to cheat on him for making fun of them before. The irritated peasants decided to make a bet for a goose, the peasant accepted the bet. The next night he went to the dark hut accompanied by the villagers with whom he had made a bet hoping to prove nobody lives there. However, his new friends decided to wait at a distance of three hundred meters from the witch's hut. He continued on his way alone, silently looked into the window, and started looking around.

In the middle of the room, an old woman stood next to a huge pot in which something was boiling. There was an ugly demon figure next to the witch, who was casting spells. Seeing this, the peasant stopped. He was shocked, he could not utter a word. His legs obeyed him and his tongue loosened. The peasant, with a terrifying cry, ran and ran.

The devil and the witch, hearing a high-pitched cry, though it was the people or the priest who came with holy water and devotional items. Devil was very weak because most of his powers had been given to the witch, and she still didn't know how to handle them, so they felt powerless. They decided to run away to protect themselves. When they ran out of the cabin, they were so consumed by the fear that they did not notice the cliff. They fell straight into the lake, which absorbed the infernal power and then dragged them to its depths. From that day on, the lake is exceptionally deep in this place, and no one dares to swim there.

Although the legend ends with the information that nobody dares to swim in the lake, it has changed in the recent century. Lake is a tourist place with many beaches and recreative infrastructure. Obviously, the legend is from much earlier, and before the end of the XIXth century swimming in there was not something that would many people do.

Thanks for reading,

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