9th series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of you fetus at 19 weeks, know the complications associated


Greetings to you steemians welcome to my 9th series, congratulations in your 5 month hope you all are doing fine, by now you are enjoying your kicks. This week you are in your 19th week and you have just 4 month left to go wow it is amazing, let's see what is happening in there this week.



The fetus at this week 22.8cm from head to heels, this is incredible and they are practicing a lot of things that he or she will do after delivery such as sucking, tasting, hearing, vision, and eating etc. This week vernix caseosa which is a protective covering is forming to protect the baby, it joins with the lanugo which is a small hairs that covers the baby skin from getting dry. This vernix is made up of oil secreted by the skin and dead cells, they also act as a lubricant during labor which will help the baby pass through the birth canal easily. The way it is coated on the fetus prevent infected bacterial from touch the fetus, it helps in regulating the body temperature too. Hair canal is fully formed and hairs will be visible between now and 21 weeks, the teeth is also forming although it is not visible. The fetus will be able to sleep and wake up with response to movement and noise, the nails are growing too. As they can hear by now, start singing to your baby, he/she can recognise your voice very Well and move with amazement as light reflects or your voice. They kick more often and needs enough vitamins and folic acid to continue developing.



As your bump grows, you feel more pains and your feet may swell, your skin may change, the Linea Nigra (the black lines running down your Tommy) becomes visible. You may likely experience the following;

🤰 MEMORY LOST; It is normal if you experience forgetfulness, confuse state and lack of concentration, so as you experience this do not panic but of it is severe visit your doctor. To avoid it eat nutritious meal, get enough rest and sleep fine.

🤰 LIGAMENT PAINS; it is a sharp pains in your lower Tommy, it comes suddenly then goes quickly, and it's not harmful. To avoid it, maintain a good posture, do not stand for a long period of time, take a rest when you are free.

🤰DIZZINESS; Due to some hormonal changes you may feel dizzy, so always stay hydrated and lie down when you feel dizzy.

🤰FREQUENT URINE; You may likely experience this because of your fetus weight relaxing on your bladder. Please do not hesitate to empty the urine when you feel the urge.

🤰 VAGINAL DISCHARGE; Most people do not experience this but when you see it, always keep yourself clean and so well to visit your doctor.

🤰 NAUSEA; it is normal too but at times natural remedies such as ginger help make you feel better.


🤰EXERCISE; it is very important for you and your baby, but do not overdo, walk, swim, do yoga and kegel. But always remember to talk to your health care provider before exercising.

🤰SLEEPING POSITION; it is good to sleep by the side to prevent blocking blood vessels. If you can use pillow in between your legs and your stomach to help you help you sleep well. Avoid caffeine to help you sleep better.

🤰NUTRITIOUS FOOD; please try and avoid junk foods, soda drinks and sugary foods. Try and eat something nutritious like protein, moderate carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, calcium etc.

🤰GET YOUR HOSPITAL BAG READY; your hospital bag should be ready by now, do not say you still have time, you have just few weeks to go. So buy your essential needs and fill in the bag know what to put in the bag. Your hospital might have given you list by now, use the list and pack your bag, in my next series I will add the list.

At this week you are free to go do ultrasound scan to know if your baby is a boy or girl 😄.



Please take note of this complications and guide against them, most women experience some health issues when pregnant while some do not. Most of this issues can be manage and some they do finish after delivery, so do not panic if you happen to experience one of this. But always be ready to take medical advice so as to avoid miscarriages or still birth.

🤰INFECTIONS;this is very common in pregnancy due to changes in immune system, eat healthy and avoid public toilets, your partner should also treat himself of STI so you won't contact from him. Some infections in pregnancy can be pass through the baby during delivery please take note of this. So eat healthy and do regular checkups to detect any infection so as to be treated immediately.

🤰PREECLAMPSIA; it is caused as a result of underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and kidney disease. Signs are blur vision, blurring eyesight etc.

🤰 ANAEMIA; this can be deathly at times, so try and take your supplements regularly to avoid this, you know your baby need blood to develop well, and you as a mother need blood too to survive so monitor your PCV all times this is the reason regular antenatal is required. Eat nutritious food that will boast your blood cells too.

🤰 GESTATIONAL DIABETES; this can be manage and it do not continue after delivery, but do not fear talk to your doctor and be rest assured everything will be fine

At this point start bonding with your baby read books, sing song and communicate with your baby always stay happy and start putting yourself together to receive another responsibility, motherhood.


This journey is a happy one and each time you get to a particular month and know what is going on inside you, there is always aboundant of joy. Week 19 is amazing your baby is almost developing everything now, at this point you are encouraged to take good care of yourself. Avoid some things that will cause you emotional stress of which it will affect the fetus. I already see the joy in your face at this week, irrespective of any symptoms you may experience always stay happy, I'm waiting for your questions at this time.

Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715 if you have a private issue for more professional advice, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

The Previous Series:

1, 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8



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