👨‍💻 #Proposal-86: Change Log - Bugs #3911, #3915, #3918, #3919, #3923, #3924

I'm at the point where I'm happy with the changes I've made to communities, as well as a handful of bugs that have been fixed so it's time for me to document what I've done.

In this post, I'll cover the bugs that have been fixed, which will include a brief explanation of what each bug is.

Image by Manypixels Gallery

🪲 Bug 3911

This bug was raised by @justyy and covers the inability to downvote when a post / comment sits at the bottom of the screen.

If the page has only 1 comment, and when I want to downvote, half is hidden.
Tested on Chrome and Edge

The solution of moving the downvoting box higher on the screen is relatively straightforward although a little fiddly since moving the box too high, will move it off the top of the screen (due to the length of text explaining when downvoting is appropriate).


This was a few lines of CSS within the src/app/components/elements/Voting.scss file.


This code moves the box up and left slightly - the positioning covering both of the existing voting buttons makes it look slightly neater than just moving it up.

🪲 Bug 3915

This bug was also raised by @justyy and catered for the scenario where a title gets cropped when a word exceeds a character limit.


This was a straightforward fix, requiring a single additional line of CSS in the src/app/components/cards/PostFull.scss file.


🪲 Bug 3918

I've also revisited bug 3918 which causes the screen to widen on mobile devices. This white space caused problems with the navigation on Android devices and whilst the fix implemented mostly worked, the Primary Navigation would disappear when the avatar navigation was opened.

The reason for this was that when the "Switch to Night Mode" menu option was introduced, this widened this avatar menu which was not adjusted in the code, increasing the left positioning from 85px to 120px in the src/app/components/elements/DropdownMenu.scss file.


🪲 Bug 3919

This bug was raised by @steemchiller to adress the issue of "Hot" no longer appearing in Post displays.

The code was all still present and working - it had just been commented out and so has been reactivated in the src/app/components/elements/SortOrder/index.jsx file.


🪲 Bug 3923

This bug was more complex and was once again linked to the navigation on Android Devices, highlighted in this post.

As discussed in a previous update, the preferred solution was the introduction of the ability to hide the navigation on mobile devices. Once the navigation is hidden, this preference is stored on the user's device (as well as in the current page state) until the user chooses to show the navigation again.

To implement this, the first stage was to include the toggle on the screen, along with writing appropriate CSS.

Within PrimaryNavigation.jsx, an additional variable was added to the returned output which would be configured within the code:


With the code configuration as:


const show_hide_link = this.state.screenWidth > 0 && this.state.screenWidth < this.state.snapWidth && username ? (

The opening line determines the conditions for the show/hide link to appear. We only want it to appear on mobile devices (so use the existing state.screenWidth and state.snapWidth properties) and since the problems only occur to logged in users, the user must be logged in to see this functionality. If any of these conditions are not met, no content is displayed () : null;

There are 3 classNames used for this toggle:
NavShowHide is the hook that's used to define the overall style of the toggle.
NavShowPrimary and NavShowSecondary are hooks which determine the positioning of the element, based upon the visibility of the Primary / Secondary navigation.

These are then defined within the existing PrimaryNavigation.scss file:


The variable which is used to determine the visibility of the Show/Hide is isNavVisible which is stored in local storage as well as in the State.

I'll cover where it gets set later, and instead start with when and how it's retrieved.


The variable is initiated when the component mounts - since its dependent upon the browser being loaded in order to retrieve the local storage (isNavCollapsedStored).

If there's nothing saved in local storage, the default visibility is set to true (isNavCollapsed). To avoid updating the state if it hasn't been changed, we check this stored value against the state and update it if necessary.

This variable is then used to determine whether the main navigation is displayed:


if isNavVisible is true or the screen width is wider than snap width (i.e. not a mobile device), then the primary navigation is displayed. If not, then it isn't.


There are 3 scenarios when the Show/Hide toggle is updated:

1. When the user scrolls

With the secondary navigation showing / hiding as the user scrolls, the toggle also needs to reposition itself. This is done within the handleScroll() function's mobile section and the NavShowSecondary class.


The NavShowSecondary class being added with the user scrolls up and removed when scrolling down, but only when the toggle is visible (isNavVisible).

2. When the screen is resized

When the user switches from a narrow display to wider screen width, we want any hidden navigation to reappear in the left column which meant that the handleResize function needs to update the isNavVisible state.


This is a bit of an edge case but required nonetheless.

3. When the Show/Hide Toggle is selected

A new function has been introduced to handle the "click" of the toggle.


This function sets the classes to be added or removed, before updating the page state. If the page state update is successful, the new value is saved in local storage.

🪲 Bug 3924

This bug was highlighted by @pennsif and @remlaps where tables with lots of columns are cropped and there's no way to view all of the data.

I expected this to be a single line of CSS to fix which turned out to be a little more fiddly to diagnose. I would have liked to include the scrollbar above and below the table but this would have required additional JavaScript which I didn't want to introduce at this time. So the solution was a classic scrollbar at the bottom of the table.


Whilst it was more than a single line of CSS, it wasn't much more, the src/app/assets/stylesheets/foundation-overrides.scss file requiring the new CSS.


GitHub Branch

The changes documented within this post are available to view on a dedicated branch (https://github.com/the-gorilla-steem/condenser/tree/%23proposal-86-Communities-redesign)




the-gorilla's Alternative Steemit Interface

In case you didn't know, I've created an interface to help you find content that you're interested in more easily.

Posts by voting bot users, abusers and spam tags are hidden and you can search by multiple tags - allowing you to find the content that you're interested in more easily.

👉 Launch Alternative Steemit Interface 👈


the-gorilla's Club Status Tool

I've also created a tool to help users review their club status - showing them where their power's coming from, how much they're powering up, transferring out and who they share a wallet with amongst other things.

Please use it wisely.

👉 Launch Club Status Tool 👈


3 columns
2 columns
1 column