Steem for better health program #5: How often do you check your blood pressure


Today so many people go through stress each day of their life and as such they don't have time to pay attention to their health. Most times when they are supposed to rest they will not rest they will keep working, when they are supposed to sleep they will not sleep they will keep working just to earn a living but even with that, they don't meet their daily target.

So why the struggles?

Let's see how we can prevent ourselves from being hypertensive and how hypertensive patients can care for themselves as well.

How often do you check your blood pressure?

Most people will reply I'm not hypertensive but no it is wrong. Whether you are hypertensive or not, you need to check your blood pressure often.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is a kind of force of blood into the arteries. Each time the heart beats, blood is being pump into the arteries, then arteries carries oxygen and nutrients which then circulate blood throughout the body so it can function properly.

This happens for 60 to 100 times a minute of 24 hours a day, so the heart works round the clock and when it stops, then the person is no more alive. Therefore If your blood pressure is too high, it can cause health issues, and if it is too low, it is also an issue. The only way to know your blood pressure is to check it on a regular basis.

Important of checking blood pressure

It is very important to check blood pressure especially as it helps prevent diseases such as hypertension and hypotension, which can have serious consequences in ones health.

High blood pressure (hypertension) is usually referred to as a silent killer because it usually kills without giving no symptoms. It can damage the heart, kidneys and brain without one noticing it cardiovascular disease is one of the major risk factor of blood pressure.


Those at risk of high blood pressure includes

People that has a family history of hypertension, cardiovascular disease or diabetes are at high risk.

Others includes;

  • Use oral contraceptives (birth control pills)
  • People that are obese
  • Stress
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Unhealthy lifestyle

So if you fall into any of this group, always check your blood pressure to be alert of possible illness.

What if you don't fall into any of this group would you still check?

I will advise you check because it is necessary to know your blood pressure.

5 main blood pressure ranges
180+/120+hypertensive crisis
140/90stage 2 hypertension
130-139/80-89stage 1 hypertension
120-129/<80Elevated blood pressure
<120/<80Normal blood pressure

We know how busy our daily schedule is that we hardly have time for ourselves and as such we need to be careful of how we live our life.

But if you are hypertensive, I will like you to pay attention to your health so much. Take your medication and also try to take necessary precautions.

There is this fruit I have in my compound, it helps a lot with hypertension, try to take harmless natural things that helps too while you go to your doctor for check ups.

star fruit or carambola

This really helps in cardiovascular disease. I will soon write something about the fruits so you can get to read about it and then find it in your location buy it consume it it is very good but don't forget to take your medication it is very necessary.

Meanwhile I'm open for any question at the comment section and also feel free to go through my previous health post here

Read the preview health program introduction, #1, 2,3,4



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