Ranking information taken from: https://dappradar.com/rankings/category/social
~~~ La versione in italiano inizia subito dopo la versione in inglese ~~~
The ranking relating to the latest investigation carried out
On 12-03-2023 APP Radar provided the following data regarding social networks based on Blockchain.
Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 7 days (data collected on the date shown above):
01-HOOKED (Blockchain BNB)
02-Cyberconnect (Blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
03-Galxe (different blockchains)
04-Lens Protocol (Blockchain Polygon)
05-PHI (Blockchain Polygon)
Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 30 days (data collected on the date shown above):
01-Cyberconnect (Blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
02-Galxe (Blockchain Polygon, BNB Chain, Ethereum Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Moonbeam, Iothex, Optimism)
03-HOOKED (Blockchain BNB)
04-Lens Protocol (Blockchain Polygon)
05-PHI (Blockchain Polygon)
06-Lunrcrush (blockchain zilliqa)
07-Klimadao (Blockchain Polygon)
08-SESEMIT (Blockchain Steem)
09-peakd (Blockchain Hive)
10-Yuliverse (Blockchain BNB Chain)
11-ECENCY (Blockchain Hive)
18-Hive Blog (Blockchain Hive)
19-Liketu (Blokchain Hive)
20-Appics (Blokchain Telos)
27-HUDDLN (Blockchain Polygon)
** The ranking today 10-07-2023 **
Now let's see the rankings with the data updated to date (data collected on the date shown above):
Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 7 days (data collected on the date shown above):
01-HOOKED (Blockchain BNB)
02-Galxe (different blockchains)
03-Playbux (Blockchain BNB)
04-Cyberconnect (Blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
05-PHI (Blockchain Polygon)
Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 30 days (data collected on the date shown above):
01-Galxe (Blockchain Polygon, BNB Chain, Ethereum Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Moonbeam, Iothex, Optimism)
02-Cyberconnect (Blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
03-HOOKED (Blockchain BNB)
04-Playbux (Blockchain BNB)
05-this (different blockchains)
06-PHI (Blockchain Polygon)
07-Lens Protocol (Blockchain Polygon)
08-Taskon (Blockchain Polygon, BNB Chain)
09-Chient (Blockchain Solana)
10-Bitkeep Red Packet (different blockchains)
14-SEEMIT (Blockchain Steem)
15-peakd (Blockchain Hive)
19-ECENCY (Blockchain Hive)
26-Hive Blog (Blockchain Hive)
28-Liketu (Blokchain Hive)
29-Appics (Blokchain Telos)
31-Huddln (Blockchain Polygon)
The last time I had taken a look at this 30-day ranking was 07-06-2023 and the first position was occupied by Cyberconnect, now in first position there is Galxe.
In this list, which I would dare to define modern, I don't know any social networks among those included in the top 10 positions. To get to the first social social network you have to go towards the 14th position where Steemit is located. I wonder if there is something wrong with this ranking, or if it is me that I was left behind.
If we go to view the rankings at 7 days and 30 days, we can see that in the top five there are social networks that are present in both charts and are the following: Hooked, Galxe, Playbux, Cyberconnect.
According to Dapp Radar, monitoring site on the activities of the DAP, the most popular social network of the last 30 days is Galxe. Followed by Cyberconnect and Hooked.
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La classifica relativa all'ultima indagine svolta
Il 12-03-2023 Dapp Radar forniva i seguenti dati a riguardo dei social network basati su blockchain.
Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 7 giorni (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
02-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
03-Galxe (blockchain diverse)
04-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
05-Phi (blockchain Polygon)
Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 30 giorni (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
02-Galxe (blockchain Polygon, BNB chain, Ethereum Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Moonbeam, Iotex, Optimism)
03-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
04-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
05-Phi (blockchain Polygon)
06-Lunrcrush (blockchain Zilliqa)
07-KlimaDao (blockchain Polygon)
08-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
09-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
10-Yuliverse (blockchain BNB Chain)
11-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)
18-Hive Blog (Blockchain HIVE)
19-Liketu (blokchain HIVE)
20-APPICS (blokchain Telos)
27-HUDDLN (blockchain Polygon)
La classifica di oggi 10-07-2023
Ora andiamo a vedere le classifiche con i dati aggiornati ad oggi (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 7 giorni (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
02-Galxe (blockchain diverse)
03-Playbux (blockchain BNB)
04-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
05-Phi (blockchain Polygon)
Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 30 giorni (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-Galxe (blockchain Polygon, BNB chain, Ethereum Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Moonbeam, Iotex, Optimism)
02-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
03-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
04-Playbux (blockchain BNB)
05-QuestN (diverse blockchain )
06-Phi (blockchain Polygon)
07-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
08-TaskOn (blockchain Polygon, BNB Chain)
09-Chingari (blockchain Solana)
10-BitKeep Red Packet (diverse blockchain)
14-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
15-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
19-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)
26-Hive Blog (Blockchain HIVE)
28-Liketu (blokchain HIVE)
29-APPICS (blokchain Telos)
31-HUDDLN (blockchain Polygon)
L’ultima volta che avevo dato un’occhiata a questa classifica a 30 giorni era il 07-06-2023 e la prima posizione era occupata da CyberConnect, ora in prima posizione c’è Galxe.
In questa lista, che oserei definire moderna, non conosco nessun social network tra quelli inseriti nelle prime 10 posizioni. Per arrivare al primo social che conosco bisogna andare verso la 14esima posizione dove si trova proprio Steemit. Mi chiedo se c’è qualcosa che non va in questa classifica, oppure se sono io che sono rimasto indietro.
Se andiamo a visionare le classifiche a 7 giorni e 30 giorni, possiamo vedere che nella top five ci sono dei social network che sono presenti in entrambe le classifiche e sono i seguenti: Hooked, Galxe, Playbux, CyberConnect.
Secondo Dapp Radar, sito di monitoraggio sulle attività delle DAPP, il social network più popolare degli ultimi 30 giorni è Galxe. seguito da CyberConnect e Hooked.
Io non ho mai sentito parlare della piattaforma social CyberConnect, e voi?
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