HOLLER OUT Tuesday: Calling All Homesteaders

HOMESTEADERS on steemit!

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Image By @bobydimitrov

Today is the day of the week that I do my weekly HOLLER OUT to other homesteading steemians who have influenced me, offered support or made a post that really spoke to me. Last week you may remember I had a featured homesteader, as well as the four other homesteaders.

The FEATURED HOMESTEADER is just a favorite that I have found this past week. And to add a little twist to it all... Every week the featured homesteader will receive one-100% UPvote from me (they get to pick which post I will Upvote in the next day or two of this posting) AND when this post pays out next week after the seven days, he or she will receive 5sbd in their wallet.

The remaining four honorable mentions of this HOLLER OUT Tuesday will each receive one steem from me. Again, when this post has been live for seven days and pays out next Tuesday.


Honorable Mentioned Homesteaders WILL ALSO receive one-100% UPvote from me. His or her choice of posts made within the last three days!




Newer steemian has hit the ground running! Take a look at her recent post The many surprising and practical uses of Birch trees taught me many uses for a birch tree; things I NEVER knew about!

You want to know How To Make Perfect Strawberry Jam? Well she can show you here!

Want to know the deep thoughts of a homesteader? Look at this post - Thoughts from a Humble Homesteader: Think Small. Look at What Thinking Big Has Done

I see a lot of myself in @walkerland. Want to know how and why? She writes with a passion. She shares her personal knowledge. She loves her homestead. Yeah... she does all that... and more- oh so much more!

She has been such a positive addition to our homesteadersonline community and group! And I am so pleased to have her as my Featured Homesteader this week.

Honorable Mentioned Homesteaders



Spring...oh spring...! Oh yes all us gardeners and homesteaders are chanting the same words every day! Stop over and see this post about morels.

Well the inevitable has happened. This day sadly comes every year.
Smiling that this year it happened in January.

We ate the last of our Morels!

And make sure to check out her recent post NeedleworkMonday Fiber Studio .

I am so looking forward to more of her posts and what she has to offer the homesteading community!



@theferalone has a one track mind! Garden, garden and more garden!

One of his gardening posts What We're Growing for 2018 has some great images and his plans for the upcoming garden on his homestead.

He even has some 'friends' coming to his garden already!
Look at this post Friends in the Garden #1: The Paper Wasp.

@theferalone and his wife @kokibyivana are making a STRONG presence on steemit and as newly relocated Michiganians! Stop over and say hello to both!



@warpedweaver is already starting her garden. Have a look at her recent post Seedling update. Yes.. can we say we're jealous!

I know my name is “warped weaver” it does have significance. Around this lil ranch I’m known as the Hippie in the attic.

Here is her introductory post on steemit. She truly is a marvel to the community and I look forward to her posts! You really need to stop over on her page and read about her strawberries and her chickens! So many great posts!



@knowledge-seeker is another homesteader and steemian I see a lot of myself in. One of her posts Received Next Years Seeds From Baker’s Creek made me smile because just the other day I received a package of my first round of seed orders and I immediately posted to steemit... ah, yes we are so alike!

And she started the Homestead Photography Contest a few weeks ago and the homesteaders of steemit are flying to this challenge!

I can not say enough wonderful things about @knowledge-seeker and the determination she brings to the community!

Badges By @bobydimitrov

Make sure to check out their profiles and pages as well as their posts!

If you too are a homesteader, gardener, off-grid lifestyle person or have other self-sufficient and self-reliant interests, consider joining our steemit homesteaders community.

Join Link: https://discord.gg/VKCrWsS
Community Link: http://homesteaders-online.com


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