First Quail Egg! EGGCITING!

After the yesterday's fiasco (you're gonna wanna read about that!) I did not think I would get an egg from this little lady at all. Honestly the guy I got them from said she may not even lay until next year! I was disappointed to hear that yesterday, but I know how it works. Quail are seasonal layers. I guess I just missed the season, I thought.

first quail egg


Quail egg! Teeny tiny oh so cute! I had to message my friend and show him! She wasn't laying before because she was in a pen with some guinea hens and guinea hens are bullies. I guess little girl was just too stressed to lay an egg. You know what that tells me?

I'm doing a good job. My animals are happy.

It's only been one night and day, and I'm feeling pretty good about the decision to get quail. It's a sign!

My next step is to look up some instructions on how to build my own incubator. I know i need more girls, but the only way it will happen right now is to hatch my own. Quail in small quantities aren't easy to come by. I have seen some made from styrofoam coolers. Can't really afford a nice incubator at the moment (Steemit is failing me, ;) Hahaha), but hopefully I can hook myself up with a DIY one for cheap.

Edit to Add: Actually we caved and decided to purchase an incubator. You have to turn eggs like 5 times a day and I know damn well that I will be forgetting that all the time. So I bought an incubator that will turn the eggs automatically. Sometimes you just have to realize what your limitations are and work around that. Thankfully we just got paid. If everything goes well, once we do start hatching, it should pay for itself rather quickly. It was around $130 (including shipping) and should arrive July 19th!

I will do some price comparisons and share with you my findings. I can get a recommended one for $60-$70 bucks, but if I can make one on my own for I dunno, $20-$30, then I'd say that's a good way to go until a little more cash happens upon me. Haha.

Here's the quail egg (white - SO TINY) in comparison to the (ONLY) egg I got today from my chickens. Pft. I guess one did lay 7 days in a row... I suppose it can have a day off. Pft. So I am glad the Quail laid today!

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Here I am. Photo taken at 9:30pm, I am tired. I had a nap so my hair is fuzzy and my make up is askew. Haha

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

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