Tell Your Story Contest - My Story

I just came across this fun opportunity to tell you all even more about me and how I became a Steemian! Head over to @varunsangwan's post Tell Your Story Contest to check it out! The contest is over in just a few hours so be sure to check it out and join in, ASAP!

Your Life Before Steemit?

I only joined Steemit a mere 22 days ago! Then, my life was much more productive off of the computer... I actually hadn't opened my laptop but once over the last six months... until now! Haha

I made projects for the property and gardened more. Haha are my priorities messed up now? I'm not sure! I guess they're skewed a little! I'm going to have to get better at delegating my time on and off of Steemit.

How Were You Introduced to Steemit?

I guess my husband, @smitty, has known about Steemit for a while now but kept it to himself. He told me about it and I was immediately intrigued! He is into cryptocurrencies and wanted me to look into and join the Steemit scene!

What's Your Channel Topic?

Me! Well okay, stuff AROUND me. I blog about homesteading, gardening, my chickens (Guess what?? I got my first egg from them the other day! Finally!!), ducks, geese, and my dog. I'm blogging about my experiences here on Steemit, sharing helpful tidbits. On my blog I always talk about being honest, genuine, and as transparent as I can with my followers! I want them to know who they're supporting!

Your Hobbies and Interests?

I have so many... I actually have a post in the works talking about being a hobby hopper. Haha. Right now my interests lie within being a homesteader and all things that encompasses that... But I also have been known to draw, craft, sew, cook... I don't really love cooking tho. So REQUIRED. haha. But sometimes I like baking. I am more into drawing though. It's not really something I do during the summer because I've got so many better things to do outside in the warmth. I'm actually surprised I am able to sit here and Steem cause, the sun beckons.

I love using Prismacolor Colored Pencils the best, I think!

I also like gardening flowers. yeah, veggie gardening is great too, but FLOWERS. Flowers are so gorgeous. I just love them. I've been working on identifying wildflowers and plants on my property. I think it's great fun to also identify all the bugs and birds that visit. Which is why I have the little series called Nature on the Farmstead that I share educational bits on the birds, bugs, and plants I find around my property.

butterfly bush flower
Butterfly bush flower. :D

Your Best and Worst Experiences Here?

Being here has been really great and I can't say yet that I've had a real terrible experience!! Which is like, unheard of for the internet! I don't have anything bad to say about the joint at all!

I guess the best thing to happen so far is meeting like-minded people! I have already learned so many things about so many different topics! It's astounding really!

However, the real gem is the community Steemit Blogger Central, @steemitbc, that I happened upon just a couple weeks ago! Best thing since sliced bread! Been such an amazing group of supportive and knowledgeable people! Steemit is special that way!! So many giving and caring people!

Life After Steemit?

Now, I am very excited almost all the time about all of the possibilities that Steemit has suddenly afforded me! I have met such wonderful people!! I can't even hold in my excitement about it! Working with some friends on the @steemitbc project and helping lift other people up in this world of Steemit has been very satisfying. I love being able to learn from other people and share my own knowledge!

I better submit this before it's too late! Thank you to @varunsangwan's contest: Tell Your Story Contest for this real fun offering! I can't wait to read other people's entries!

Edit to add:

Winner has been announced! My friend @foodie.warrior won! And you can check out all the entries here: @varunsangwan/announcing-the-winners-of-tellyourstory-contest

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!
  • Just click here to see all my posts in one place!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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