It Was a Double Yolker!

Sometimes chickens can be over achievers and develop eggs that hide a double yolk!

They say that the chances of getting a double yolk egg are 1 in 1000! What are the chances that the first egg of my first laying chicken was a double yolker?!

The white egg is a regular large store bought egg for comparison. The brown were the first two eggs that came from my chickens. The one in the middle was a double yolker and the first egg that chicken laid!

Yesterday we finally broke open our first four eggs that our chickens ever so graciously decided to start laying last Wednesday! (I'm EGGSTREMELY EGGCITED GUYS!)

We only waited for four whole days in order to have a breakfast with our newly laid eggs! It was a killer waiting for it! We're so lame though, we didn't do anything fancy. Just fried them up and stuck them in a tortilla. Ha.

So, the eggs that are on the top and bottom of the pic, are regular ol' large sized eggs we purchased from the grocery store. The other 5 yolks are my little chicken eggs! The one that has two yolks side by side was the double yolker. Usually double yolk eggs are fairly large, but this one was real small!

One of these days we're going to have way entirely too many eggs and we will have to start getting creative! So please, if you have any awesome egg recipes, link them to me in the comments! I'll stash 'em somewhere for future use!

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

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