Weekly Homesteading Newsletter (WHN) - Issue #1

Weekly Homesteading Newsletter (WHN) - Issue #1

Date: June 17, 2017 - June 25, 2017


Welcome to the first volume of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter! This newsletter will be released each Sunday with a detailed exposition of the previous week’s homesteading articles.


The goal of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter is to increase awareness and support of the Steemit homesteading community!


In order to recommend articles for future WHN issues, the following guidelines must be adhered to:

  • The article must be related to homesteading, prepping, farming & agriculture, sustainability, and/or gardening.
  • The article must be published between the newsletter’s respective dates (Sunday to Sunday).
  • The article must be original material. Any plagiarized articles will be blocked and future submissions from the corresponding account will be banned.

To submit a recommendation, simply comment on the most recent WHN article or dm the author (@kiaraantonoviche) on Steemit.chat.

Submission Deadline: 
Saturday evenings before the publication of the WHN on Sundays.

Featured Article

“Preppers & Homesteaders on Steemit - The Updated List V2” by @ pennsif

Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of homesteading resources available on Steemit? Well you don’t have to be! Start by taking a look at this week’s featured article - “Preppers & Homesteaders on Steemit - The Updated List V2” by @pennsif!

This list includes links to many homesteading and prepper Steemit accounts (50+ listed so far) and will most likely be updated again. If you are looking to follow for more bloggers with similar beliefs and values, this is an excellent starting point! Follow @pennsif to see the upcoming updated version and to potentially be added to the growing list!

Featured Photo

Make sure to follow the photographer @knowledge-seeker in order to show your support for this amazing photo and learn more about “The Importance Of Switching Out Laying Chickens!”

DIY Tutorial(s)

If you plan on homesteading, then you plan on growing plants. If you plan on growing plants, you need to learn to take care of your soil. And to take care of your soil, you should learn to make vermicompost!


Check out the video posted by @texasboys this past Tuesday in his article “DIY VERMICOMPOST FOR LESS THAN 10” to see how to make your own vermicompost bucket! Simple, fast, and affordable!


Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup” by @bfhomestead!

Above is a screenshot of the delicious looking video recipe! If you’d like to watch the video, follow @bfhomestead and give them an upvote if you like the soup!


“What A Pleasant Surprise - The Muscovy Ducklings Are Hatching” by @papa-pepper

It’s almost impossible to be a self-proclaimed homestead enthusiast on Steemit without hearing about @papa-pepper! And it’s no wonder… he shares some of the most inspirational and informative articles! Recently, @papa-pepper posted the article “WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE - THE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS ARE HATCHING” along with what I consider to be a couple of appropriately adorable photos!

As of Wednesday, TWO little ducklings have hatched - one bright yellow and the other a brownish color! Follow @papa-pepper to keep updated on how many more hatch and how they fair growing up! Congrats to Mama Muscovy and best of luck to her babies!

“STEEMGIG Homesteaders of Steemit Identifier Badge” by @daddykirbs

Show your support loud and proud! This past Thursday, @daddykirbs shared the article “STEEMGIG Homesteaders of Steemit Identifier Badge - Customized FOR YOU” in which he offers a customized homesteading badge for the itty bitty price of $1 SBD!

I’ve already got my badge and it looks amazing! Follow and contact @daddykirbs for your own badge so we can continue bringing the homesteading community together!

“Rescued Blue Bird From Chimney - This Little Guy Needed HELP” by @mericanhomestead

Breaking news! A beautiful blue bird managed to get stuck in @mericanhomestead’s chimney, but don’t worry! He shared a video in the article “Rescued Blue Bird From Chimney ~ This Little Guy Needed HELP” this past Wednesday that shows the rescue and release! The bird was little dusty but safe and sound!

Above is a screenshot of the rescue - if you look closely, you can see the bird clasped gently between the gloves! If you’d like to watch the video, follow @mericanhomestead and give him an upvote to show your appreciation for saving this little fellow!

“Homesteaders Unite on Steemit!” by @allforthegood

Homesteading and prepping are definitely growing communities on the Steemit platform. As @allforthegood states in their article “Homesteaders Unite on Steemit,”

“I think I speak for the bulk of homesteaders here when I say this 
Steemit platform has provided an unprecedented ability for us to truly come together and share our collective wisdom. What an amazing privilege to have access to a wealth of curated information, up-to-date stories, as well as “live” help and comments.”

With this growing community, we should strive to unite and support one another now more than ever before! So enjoy the “Homesteaders Unite on Steemit” badge above created and share by @allforthegood this past Tuesday and don’t hesitate to include it in your future homesteading articles!

“Future Homestead Tour of Our 7.5 Acres Raw Land” by @bettertogether

Steemit gives us the opportunity to share our homesteads with one another and @bettertogether did just that when they posted a video tour in their article “Future Homestead Tour of Our 7.5 Acres Raw Land.”

Beautiful land with great potential! Follow @bettertogether to see the tour and the progress of their future homestead!

“Honoring the Past Before Moving Forward - Wild Rose Acres Project #1 Progress” by @kiaraantonoviche

Progress at the Steem powered homestead ‘Wild Rose Acres’ is officially underway! Earlier, @kiaraantonoviche posted an article, “Honoring the Past Before Moving Forward - Wild Rose Acres Project #1 Progress,” that included photos of the first official project - a garden restoration!

Above is the “before” photo! Follow @kiaraantonoviche to see the amazing “after” and the future progress of the homestead!

Box Turtle Rescue!!! by @greenacrehome

Usually turtle vs. highway is a story with a terrible ending… but not today! @greenacrehome posted the article “Box Turtle Rescue!!!” recently that included a touching video of the rescue and release!

What a handsome fellow! We wish you the best. Follow @greenacrehome and make sure to give them an upvote to show your appreciation for their heroic action!

[STEEMGIG] Gardeners of Steemit Identifier Badge - Customized FOR YOU! by @daddykirbs

@daddykirbs has done it again! Along with the homesteading badge featured earlier in the newsletter, he has offered to create a new gardening badge for $1 SBD in his article “[STEEMGIG] Gardeners of Steemit Identifier Badge - Customized FOR YOU!

Follow and contact @daddykirbs for your own badge so we can continue bringing the homesteading community together!

That’s All Folks!

That concludes our first issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter - we managed to feature 12 articles by 11 different authors!

Now accepting submissions and recommendations for Issue #2 - simply comment below with a link or dm the author on Steemit.Chat (@kiaraantonoviche).

Don’t forget to show your support and appreciation to the original authors of these articles by following, upvoting, and resteeming their work!

All respective photos, quotes, and articles belong to the linked authors.


Follow @kiaraantonoviche and check back next Sunday for Issue #2!

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