Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit - 200 up! - v8 [03 Sep '17]

Apologies for the radio silence, but we made it - 200 homesteaders and preppers on steemit !!!

In fact we've crashed through the 200 mark and now have 205.
I had said with the last list at the end of July that I would be publishing the list weekly but then it all slowed down. So I thought I would hang on for the big 200.

I'll probably aim for a monthly list now, or maybe just wait for next milestone at 250.

It is great to see the numbers of homesteaders and preppers on steemit grow so well. I know a lot of good connections and friendships are being made. Continual great content is being posted, and help and advice being offered. And new initiatives like the 'Supporting SteemitHomesteaders Members!' upvoting system organised by @greenacrehome are popping up all the time.

However I am concerned about the apparent drop off rate. I haven't done a full analysis yet but I suspect a fair number of the 205 homesteaders and preppers on the list are no longer so active on steemit. But they might come back!

This makes it even more important that we all connect and mutually support each other through upvoting, resteeming and networking as much as we can.

That way we can help grow the homesteaders and preppers community into one of the more buoyant and prosperous communities on steemit.

Following on from @codypanama's suggestion I have starting including the date that new people were added to the list. This might not be 100% accurate but hopefully it will help you find the new joiners rather than going through the whole list each time a new one is published.

While the list is still dominated by the USA we are expanding around the world with new members joining from countries as far apart as El Salvador, South Africa and the Philippines.

In the US Florida is just holding on to the crown with 14 listings, edging out Texas on 13. North Carolina is still in the running with 9 listings.

If you are one of the US listings without a declared state feel free to let me know your state and I will amend the list. Don't worry no one will come knocking on your door.

Here is the latest list of homesteaders and preppers. My apologies if I have missed anyone from the list that has already contacted me - just post in the comments again. Or if you know anyone else who should be on the list let me know.

Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit (v8) :

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