Pennsif's Alternative Lifestyle Show - starting in 2 hours - @furius,, @goldendawne, @nairadaddy, @ura-soul

The Alternative Lifestyle Show this week has a super interesting array of guests.

We have a techno-hippie from the Czech Republic, a golden curator from Michigan, an oceanic witness from England, a crypto doctor from Nigeria and a wizard from Gaia's navel.

Friday's show is going to be one heck of a show. With this great bunch of guests who knows where the conversations may take us - this show could really buzz.

Come along, listen in, speak up.

On the show on MSP Waves Radio this Friday 30 March from 10pm - midnight UTC are :

  • @furius - "multi-talented sloth post-techno neohippie; ex-squatter rainbow dad of two faeries who loves to draw and spacetravel" - his profile says it all! Vashek is also the host of a new show on MSP Waves and from Prague in the Czech Republic

  • - Cahlen Lee @cahlen was formerly a producer in the video game industry, now he is a Modern Day Wizard travelling the southwest deserts of the United States in his 4 wheel drive truck

  • @goldendawne - one of the leading homesteaders on the platform, a former Steward of Gondor for @fulltimegeek, and a super curator extraordinaire, hailing from Michigan in the USA

  • @nairadaddy - "crypto addict by choice, writer by heart, doctor by profession, entrepreneur by action". Dr George hails from Nigeria and is the founder of the very impressive @air-clinic project

  • @ura-soul - steem witness and creator of Ura also runs - a community for healing, balancing and evolving. He is a music, software and media creator and an 11 year vegan.

I look forward to seeing you all on MSP Waves on Friday at 10pm UTC after @Uniwhisp's Emotion Integration show.

If you missed last week's special 'A View from the Ozarks' with @papa-pepper, @awesomehomestead, @armadillocreek, @borrowedearth and @freedompoint a recording is available :

Each week the Alternative Lifestyle Show will be cover a whole range of topics including :

  • homesteading
  • prepping
  • homeschooling
  • tiny houses
  • complimentary medicine
  • alternative energy
  • cooking, particularly low meat, vegetarian and vegan
  • permaculture and organic gardening

If you have a passion for any of these subjects and would like to come on future shows please drop a comment below or find me on Discord at Pennsif#9921.

The Alternative Lifestyle Show is on MSP Waves Radio.

It is on Fridays, 10pm - midnight UTC.

If you are not sure of your local times check :

You will be able to listen through the PAL Discord server, via or on Twitch at

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[ header graphic by @pennsif // fox head logo by @dreemsteem ]

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