Peppers and Broadbean Seeds- Day 1- The Container Garden With PumpkinsandCats

As the middle of January approaches, it means it time to start the germination of the pepper seeds, and to sow the Broadbeans.

If you didn’t catch my post about my Container Vegetable Garden Plan yesterday you can view it here

I spent this afternoon creating my logo watercolour painting too for this = D


The three pepper plants I have chosen to grow from seed are the Rotoco, Orange Bell and the Sweet Aji.

I always germinate these seeds first to give them a better chance of survival. I use a cotton makeup remover pad to place my seeds on as they hold water well and are nice size too.

First I separate one pad into two, ensuring that the two sides that touch the seeds are the smooth side not fluffy as the tap root will get caught in the fluffy side.

Then I place 2 seeds per makeup pad, I use the top section to squeeze water onto the seeds and then place the top cover on.

Then place into a zip lock bag, leave somewhere warm and dark and check daily until the tap root develops.

I shall let you know when this is.


My Dads favourite Broad Beans! This year I made my own planter from recycled toilet roll tubes!

Really great to use as part of #livesustainability challenge too!
To create the loo roll planters I cut 4 slices into the bottom of each one and folded the each section like you fold a box.

I always just place my broadbeans straight in potting compost and I have no problems yet so why change!

The potting soil/compost I use is John Innes No1, from a local garden retailer.

I then filled each cardboard pot ¾ full as broadbeans like to have deep roots.

Then simply pop the seeds in, some people say seeds should be placed a certain way. Personally, I just shove them in anyway. Fill to the top with more soil/compost and water.

The great thing about the Loo Roll Plant Pot is that you can transplant the whole thing into the ground or in my case planter. Therefore, there’s less risk of root damage.

The Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkins and Cats

2018 Garden Plan and Overview

Broadbeans and Peppers - My Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkinsandcats

2017 Garden Review

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