Bounties Of The Land Episode 5: Wild Poke Berry! Nature's Perfect Paint! Guest Stars @qiqi-power & Noki! Video and More!


Today is a SPECIAL episode as I have guest stars with me today - my two daughters and Eden Fairies @qiqi-power and Noki!  Today, we go out onto the land to play in this new episode of Bounties of The Land!

@qiqi-power just made her introduce yourself post today: PLEASE CHECK IT OUT AS ITS AMAZING!

We cultivate a LOT of super foods here in The Garden of Eden. 

Though this particular plant is not the best for eating, it IS the best for painting!

Here we have painted ourselves with Steemit logos using this beautiful purple berry paint!

Whether it be food or usable resources, most of these plants are wildcrafted, meaning we establish a permaculture-style environment where they can naturally grow & reproduce with little to no effort. We do this because it is the most efficient and sustainable way! 

I won't go into too much more detail as I have a whole video on it for you!

I hope you watch this video and get inspired by how fun and healthy it is to live in harmony with the Bounties of The Land!

I hope this information was valuable to you and you are inspired not only by the truly miraculous qualities of NATURE itself. 

I have found that health is natural, and nature has provided abundant and sustainable remedies for all problems. I pray that people reconnect with natural living and reap the rewards as I have. 

Because of this, not only do I cultivate it for myself, family, and community but also make sure to make it available to you!

You can check out my past episodes of Bounties of The Land below!

Bounties Of The Land Episode 4: WildCrafted Chocolate Mint! My Favorite Herbal Smoking Blend! Video, Statistics, Uses, and More!

Bounties Of The Land Episode 3: Harvesting World Renowned Aloe Vera To The Power of Eden! Video, Statistics, Uses, and More!

"Bounties Of The Land Episode 2: WildCrafted Oxalis Harvest & Taste Test Video!"

"Bounties Of The Land Episode 1: WildCrafted Superfood Japanese Shiso. Article, Pictures Video, Recipe, Smoke Blend!"

If you like these posts and would like to sign up for our newsletter we send it out once a week. It is titled Chronicles of Eden and is full of valuable information on health, sustainability, parenting, events, honorable products, and more!

If you like the hand painted sustainably made Steemit gear that I wear in my videos/pictures or the handmade pure stone jewelry or other gear, you can get them for $teem. I have many listed on PeerHub and you can also contact me via Steemit or put in a custom order.  

I also make them available for fiat on The Garden of Eden web site which I donate to feed, clothe, educate, and heal tens of thousands of people a year!

Blessings of sustainable thrival to you all!

As always, I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!


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