BLOGGING TUTORIAL: Tips and Tricks for Top-Quality Posts

What makes a post shine? Is it writing? Design? Creativity?

I think it’s all of the above, and I’ll share some tips with you here. I’m still learning about Steemit, finding new things every day, but I’ve been blogging for about a decade and writing forever, and have had a post or two curied, so I’ll share what I know.

I hope you find something of value here.

coffee writing
image source

First, let’s discuss the point and definition of “quality posts.”

Quality is subjective. We all have different perspectives, and what one person likes, another may not. Also, I think we each need to define our own standards, instead of trying to hold ourselves to someone else’s idea of how things “should” be.

That said, I think we can generalize that posts should be written and designed well, looking as professional as possible given whatever you know. It’s okay to make mistakes along the way, just keep learning. Keep evolving and trying new things to create fantastic blogs!

definition of quality from Google
Definition from Google search.

writing computer
image source

Writing Tips and Tricks


This is everything. What do you want to say? How do you want to say it? The posts I enjoy the most are ones that are meaningful, or that inspire me. I like to smile and laugh. I like to learn, to go on virtual adventures through travel posts, and to get to know people through their writing. Whatever you chose to post about, be genuine, and remember your reader. When you let your authentic self shine through, people are more likely to relate and respond.


How long should a post be? That entirely depends on the post. With the exception of photocontests that specifically state there shouldn’t be writing, I tend to want at least a paragraph or three. Tell a story, share your thoughts. Contribute something to the library of Steemit. Some posts are long, and they take a lot of time, so when you see a long post, remember the person has put a piece of themselves into it. This post took me hours! But if your goal is to create a high-quality post, it will take time, and effort. And then you can feel super proud of yourself. ;)


Proofread your post. At least once. Get rid of unnecessary words, revise awkward wording as you can. Proof it again before posting. Yes, you have to read your writing several times over, but most typos can be caught that way, and your audience will thank you. Readers can be very forgiving, but too many typos can also be a turn-off. Best to take the time to put your best post forward. (Don’t stress about being perfect, just do your best with what you know.)


Always cite sources if you have quoted someone or used their idea in your writing. Let your posts show the highest integrity, and post responsibly. Make your work original, let it show who you are or the things that are important to you, and that is how you make it shine.

If English isn’t your first language:

One of the best things about Steemit is the diversity here. This is a worldwide community. Posts are going up in so many languages, it’s wonderful! However, if you want a broader audience, consider including an English version of your post, or an English translation in the same post. Do your best with this. People are generally pretty patient and understanding if they see you making an effort to communicate, even if the words aren’t textbook perfect.

Improve your craft:

As a writer, I’m always learning and my writing is always improving. The more you write, the more you read and learn what you like and don’t like from other writers, the better your skill becomes.


Keep at it! Blog every day, if you can, and be sure to interact and build community. If you want to know how to make it on Steemit, maybe even to the Trending page, check out this article about perseverance by @arbitrarykitten.

Design Tips and Tricks


It’s important to break up the text of a post, so it’s easy to read. Long, never-ending paragraphs can be too much. Keep your thoughts together in organized groups of sentences along the page. Break up the text with a line, a photo, a page divider image, or by using text formatting.


Do use headings and sub-heads, but be consistent and organized about it. Work on finding a style of your own that’s easy on the eyes and gives a similar feel to different posts on your blog. You can get creative, for sure, but when you find something that works, consistency is good. It helps a reader become familiar with you as a blogger and feel at home when reading your posts.


Use photos. Make sure your top photo is eye catching! Breaking up text with photos is a wonderful way to keep someone reading, but you’ll want to keep headlines with text in most cases. Always state your photo source somewhere on the page, usually beneath the photo, or at the bottom of the post.


I copy and paste emojis from I’m sure there are other ways to do this. I have no idea if these emojis show up on every device. Someone please comment and let me know if you don’t see seven fun emojis here: 🐸 🐢 🐠 🐬 🐳 🐙


Bullet points and lists are fabulous.

  • They deliver information in small doses.
  • It keeps the reader’s eye moving.
  • Lists break up the blog post in a different way.
  • Isn’t all that white space refreshing?

Here's a curating tip and a design resource:

IMPORTANT: If you aren’t already aware, DO NOT vote on posts 7 days and older. They have already been paid out and the author won’t get any reward. Keep your voting power for “live” posts. 6 days old or newer. If you read a “dead” post and want to support the author, go to their profile and find a newer post to vote on. You can mention in a comment that you liked their other post, if you want. :)

Read this article for FORMATTING, MARKDOWN, AND PHOTO TIPS by @carrieallen. This is an older post, but super-helpful. I repeat, if you haven’t read Carrie’s “Pimp Your Post” article, and you have any questions about photos or how to format in markdown, go read it now.

Here are examples of posts with clean, interesting designs, and topics that caught my attention:

You can study these and other posts to find inspiration for your own blogging. These four are recent (as of this post), so feel free to upvote and comment if you liked them!

green heart in wall
image source

Put Your Heart Into It

The effort and care you put into your posts shows, and people are more likely to upvote posts when they know someone has put forth a sincere contribution to the quality of Steemit as a whole. Don’t be afraid to be creative, and let yourself have fun!

Did I miss anything?

Sure I did. There is so much out there, so much to learn. If you have a question, do your own looking around and see what you find. If you can’t figure it out, ask someone. :)

If you enjoyed this article, or have a question, or want to share another reference for how to write high-quality blog posts, feel free to leave a comment!

Thanks for reading!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

#teamgirlpowa #teamcanada #steemusa #thealliance #steemsugars

the alliance



#thealliance and #steemusa banners by @bearone

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