Draw on blockchain : Snailmail never outdated 蝸牛郵件

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One month to go! Does anyone have the experience of writing to Santa? Besides, last year, I joined a voluntary project called Snailmailmyemail. People send a email letter to the organizer. The organizer then randomly send the contests to volunteers. The volunteers hand-write or draw the letter by their creativity and send to the address offered. I sent 3 letters. It is not required to attach return address of the volunteers. We are only the medium. One is for a friend written in German, one is a father to son, and the last one is a fan letter to an animation director.


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Tool: Pencil (draft) / Color pencil / dip pen

The volunteers are not required to write a return address, it is up to them. I only attached an email if the receivers willing to confirm the delivery. Only the letter to son was missing. I hope they received and had a happy Christmas holiday. I am not sure whether the project is continuing or not. Anyway, an interesting project.



Nice dream


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