The Most Valuable Information Is Also The Most Influential! - United We Steem! - Also What Makes Steem's Price Rise!

If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything. Confucius

Every chapters can be read on their own. No need for any previous knowledge about *Steem either.

*Steem is a cryptocurrency and a blockchain based social network which monetarily reward its users. Users get paid with Steem, a sort of company shares. Posts with the most shareholder’s votes rise to the top of or any other websites which use the Steem blockchain.

All of my book’s chapters reached the top 10 best paid articles of the day and I think most of the chapters made it to the top 5. Last chapter ended up being the # 2 best paid article. Thank you everyone!

The Ultimate Steem Book

Chapter 7

  • Teaser
  • Trades, Resources And Value
  • Steering A Sinking Ship
  • What Makes Steem’s Price Rise!
  • Recognizing Valuable Thoughts
  • From Old To New
  • United We Steem!
  • Three Very Special Quotes
  • Thank You Dan! Thank You Everyone!
  • End Notes
  • Help For New Steem Users


When journalists, politicians or any average Joe will get more views from posting on Steem than on any other platform all of the most influential events will all stem from Steem. We'll live in a much more honest and positive world and this could happen faster than we realize!

Trades, Resources And Value

Steem is bringing the most visibility and highest rewards to the most valuable information. The most valuable information is what shape us. Information is the most valuable resource, it is “everything” and thus how and why we trade information fundamentally shape who we become.

Dan Larimer on trade:

All trades only cause resources to change hands. The goal is to move physical resources to the highest purpose the most efficiently.

Hoarding money is a virtual resource which means it is not interfering with allocating of physical resources.

I’m not sure I ever had this realization consciously before reading Dan’s comment. The virtuous goal of trades and thus money and money creation should be to move physical resources to the highest purpose the most efficiently.

To make this more succinct, if someone were to sell a land and they had the choice between 2 buyers, virtuous people would chose to sell to the person who would produce the most with the land while producing the least pollution etc.

These principals aren’t taught out in school as school doesn’t exist to teach but rather to indoctrinate, to keep those in power in power. The reasons why the school system exist to indoctrinate instead of teaching are obvious and proofs school purpose is to indoctrinate have been provided throughout this book.

Those in power of money creation have shape our lives and humanity so fundamentally, it’s mind boggling to think about. Mike Bost looks blissful compared to what I feel inside when I think about the situation we’re in.

(40s starting at the 13s mark)

Steering A Sinking Ship

The video above is partly there as a joke. Our situation is what it is and accepting it is the first step to changing it but nonetheless, I somewhat feel like him times 7 billion for the 7+ billion of us living the lie of money creation. Now this guy was arguing something I would equate to trying to steer a sinking ship.

A sinking ship is the most used analogy for the situation we’re in. Most people trying to fix our situation are trying to steer our sinking ship. Steering a sinking ship still lead to the bottom of the ocean, whether it's going in the right direction or not doesn't change the ultimate destination one bit and ignoring this is foolish.

While most people on the upper floors are still running from entertainment to entertainment trying to find the best ones or to forget they’re in a sinking ship, our situation needs to be fix and this won’t come from the oppressor but from the oppressed one.

I've said it and I'll say it again, money creation needs to be fixed and cryptocurrency is the only provably large scale solution possible. There’s no way around this.

Now because Steem treats shared information or consensus with primordial importance, Steem will lead to all trades being virtuous trades.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency don’t treat information the way Steem does. Steem rewards primarily those who share the most valuable thoughts while Bitcoin primarily rewards those who already have the most Bitcoin or the most money to buy the hardware that mine newly emitted Bitcoin. Bitcoin still have many advantage over fiat currency which have translated into Bitcoin's price gaining more than 120,000% over USD and 200% over the past 2 years and I'm confident this will continue. I'll explain my reasoning in a chapter dedicated to Bitcoin.

(One more video of me dancing. This song is part of Madlib's album, Mind Fusion 3 and this video is a Steemit exclusive.)

What Makes Steem’s Price Rise!

I’ve been pondering on how to explain why Steem price will rise in a more concrete way. There’s many things to take into consideration when it comes to Steem price and I only partially touch on some of it.

Attention always have some value. We just need to think about how many millions of $ companies are paying to have a 30 seconds TV spot during the Superbowl game.

Right now a top article on Steem pays a couple hundreds bucks. There are literally hundreds of millions of people who would be willing to take shot at writing such an article if they knew Steem existed. Heck dozens of millions are already posting daily on without being monetarily rewarded whatsoever.

No matter what Steem’s price are, there would still be millions of people ready to post for these rewards as anything is better than what everyone get on reddit. When they’ll be millions of us on Steem, companies will want to get in, to get our attention through advertising but the best way will be through buying Steem.

We’ll all profit from this. Steem is empowering individuals over companies or any particular group of people.

When journalists, politicians or any average Joe will get more views from posting on Steem than on any other platform all of the most influential events will all stem from Steem. We'll live in a much more honest and positive world and this could happen faster than we realize!

Life is all about expressing who we are. Who we are is who what we express. People love to express themselves and love to encourage those who express the same feeling as they do.

My reasoning is pretty straight forward. As time pass, post rewards become ever harder to obtain as there is an ever growing number of content creator/audiences sharing an ever smaller number of newly emitted Steem. Those who get the newly emitted share are in part chosen by those who just got rewarded.

With an ever growing number of content creators but also audiences the value Steem Power entails is bound to go up. Let’s say someone makes a post about an upcoming book they want to publish and this post hits the number 1 top spot. Now this person just made a nice “ad” and got paid for it and in turn is now part of deciding which Steem posts are rewarded.

Let us not forget, the way we live is based on how we collectively interpret the sum of information we come across and currently large scale information dissemination is in the hands of the world’s ruling elite who have as most important interest self-preservation, thus centralization of power or censorship of information that empowers anyone besides themselves.

Steem has as a collective interest finding what is the most valuable information we can agree upon. Dan’s 3 comments below give a more thorough explanation of the importance of this process. These 3 quotes have had a big impact on me and I think will have a big impact on anyone understanding them.

Now, whether or not someone is part of the ruling elite doesn’t change the fact that information is the most valuable resource there is and getting to be part of choosing what is the most valuable information as value in itself .

Anyone doubting information is the ultimate resource or value can ponder on what it would be like if they had no recollection of any information they acquire throughout their life or whether they would prefer having all the existing money or instead keeping all the information/memories they currently possess.

To better illustrate how everything I just said could play out, let’s imagine one semi famous Youtuber coming on Steem. Any semi famous Youtuber talking about Steem would easily hit the best paid post of the day.

From there it’s pretty simple to see why many other semi famous Youtuber would follow suit. Many famous Youtubers subscribe to one another which is clearly understandable.

It’s a blessing for all of us that there isn’t that many famous people on Steem yet. Things will be very different when all famous people will be on Steem.

(This video is making me laugh and it reminded me of my own dance video above that's in part why it's here.)

Recognizing Valuable Thoughts

Steem rewarded those able to recognize the most valuable thoughts according to Steem stake based consensus. Currently, a lot of the weight of this consensus comes from Dan Larimer, Ned Scott and the team they’ve assembled. Steem’s goals, its founder’s goal as well as their team member are aligned or they wouldn’t have been chosen to be part of the team.

I use Austrian Economics to engineer the economic incentives which make freedom and non-violence profitable. Dan Larimer

I feel like this could resume Dan’s ultimate goal. I know of no company which stated goal is to make freedom and non-violence profitable and even less any company beside Steem that has any meaningful shot at making this goal a reality. (I'm really talking about Steem not Steemit.)

On Steem we have incentives to create and share valuable streams of thoughts. We also have incentives to get to know the majority stake holders.

While usually successful content creator are incentivized to be either part of the good entertainers or the ship steerers I’ve talked about in the analogy of the sinking ship, here on Steem we have incentives to read each of us works and try to nudge Steem great consensus the way we see fit.

In the current economic system, those who create money have incentives to create a situation where there is an ever smaller number of resources or power for the population at large while they on the other hand are benefiting from an ever growing number of resources or Power.

This has had its toll on all of us. Whenever we’re trying to acquire more wealth and resources to protect from the ruling parasites this means somewhere someone is getting less to the point of dying from not having enough.

Dan’s ways of thinking about trades and economic systems are infinitely more rewarding compare to the other options where acquiring more leaves everyone else with less. There’s more on this below.

From Old To New

We’re in the ultimate bummer situation. This situation has been sucking the very life out of all of us and it still does to a large extent. Steem is changing all of this but time is of the essence as we’re still stuck in our old ways and its legacy.

Most people don’t even know about the rigged fiat money creation scheme yet it doesn’t make them less victim of it but only more prone to it. (I will be dedicating a whole chapter to the rigged money creation scheme and will add it to this book as an appendix due to its capital importance.)

I was able to pick on some of society’s biggest lies very early in my life. I remember being in fourth grade, sitting in class and telling myself: “whether or not the school system and society at large is intentionally build the way it is, the whole thing doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and need rebuilding.”

From that moment and most probably even earlier, I remember turning to people around me to explain my observations and the most frequent thing I would hear would seem totally out of touch with reality or what I was communicating.

Most people were telling me: "Things are as they are but sadly we can’t do anything to change them. This isn't so. Actions we take and what we’re telling have an impact on everything.

What is happening on a large scale is the result of the actions we’re individually taking.

United We Steem!

Before quoting those 3 comments Dan made 2 weeks ago I want to acknowledge Dan as being one of the most inspiring person I know and his invention have given me so much already. I guess anyone who read my book already knew that by now.

This whole Steem experience is out of this world.

Also, all of us rational virtuous Steemians are trying to make Steem better. If we are trying to use rationality to reason someone we dismissed as irrational this tell a lot about our own rationality and nothing about other people’s rationality.

If we are trying to use rationality to reason with someone it means we’ve determine the problem isn’t the person’s total lack of rationality but rather how this person applies it or the false information it’s based on.

We need to remember this and unite! Humanity has been divided over so many false pretenses for long enough now.

Three Very Special Quotes

These are 3 successive comments made by Dan which can be found here.

Truth is another matter altogether. The purpose of consensus is to reach agreement. People need to make decisions based upon what other people actually believe whether or not what they believe is true or false.
Distortions in the process of reaching agreement is like corrupting the blockchain validation algorithm. Society can function even if everyone draws the wrong conclusion... at least there is no abuse. The abuse comes into play when people attempt to distort how people perceive each other's thoughts by censorship.

Some things are neither true nor false, yet consensus is required and the result of that consensus has impacts on all of society.

Picking a currency is one example. Picking a side of the road to drive / walk on is another.

The result is less important than the process. Who shall determine the truth? From what frame of reference? Show me any process that is guaranteed to arrive at the truth and I'll show you how it will fail.

Only individuals can make an estimation of truth based upon their own perceptions. Consensus is the result of the majority of individuals coming to the same conclusion.

Assuming all individuals can communicate and have incentive to live in the truth then truth will prevail. If there is incentive to believe a lie, then the lie will prevail. This applies even on an individual basis.

The solution to Fake News is to minimize its effect on Consensus. In particular we want to minimize the potential for Fake Consensus (e.g. polling results) because of the impact that Fake Consensus has on people's actions.

If we can provide provable consensus then we will have eliminated a large and dangerous category of Fake News and replaced it with truth. This consensus may still be centered on a falsehood, but at least it accurately reflects what people think.

When we don't even know what other people think, that is when the complete breakdown of communication occurs and society is in trouble.

Thank You Dan! Thank You Everyone!

These 3 quotes are enthusing me so much just like the rest of Dan’s body of work written and coded. We're very lucky to have you. Merci Dan! Du fond du coeur! From the very bottom of my heart, thank you Dan! And thanks to everyone who has been contributing to Steem’s success.

End Notes

Jokes catch people off guard and makes them laugh that's not real happiness but at least it gives a clue. Deepak Chopra

My posts aren’t the end all be all of the entertainment business yet but it’s a work in progress.

I re-read my last post the other day and realized how many grammar errors, misspelled words, superfluous information, editing errors, etc. it contained yet it ended up being the second most rewarded post of the day according to Steem consensus. I left it unchanged so people who haven’t read it can see what I’m talking about.

My book is intended for the new users, hardcore users, as much as the person who would love to invest important sums of money into Steem. My book has a lot of merits according to Steem shareholders votes. I feel like it’s one of the very best in-depth introduction to Steem and it will only get better and its weakness only shallower.

I feel like it’s a good read even for those who doesn’t use Steem nor plan on using it.

It is not necessarily intended for the wider audience yet but as Steem continues to get even more popular I’ll be continuing to make it more accessible and far reaching in all possible ways.

To end this post on a very funny note here’s one of Louis CK’s funniest bit which talk about money in the funniest way imaginable. I must have watch this bit more than 2 dozens of time and I just re-watched it and laughed until I shed some tears from laughing so much.

Help For New Steem Users

Anyone needing help should feel free to ask and they shall receive. I've already help a lot of people on many subject from curation, to content creation, to more technical stuff and everything in between. I ranked #7 for the average curation score of the past 50 days. This can be viewed here.

Anyone can easily follow my votes with and benefit from good curation and from there I can help people to set up or achieve even more advanced automated curation for diverse needs. Also I'm encouraging anyone who would love to see me add them to my voting list to contact me. I'm always looking to help those who I share a lot with as well as those I might not share so much with at first.

Many thanks to everyone who is supporting my witness. Anyone who’s considering supporting my witness are very much welcome to asked me anything. is one place to contact me and will be most likely be answered in less than 24 hours.

Anyone should feel free to leave a nice comment if I ever help them on Steem. That would be nice!

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