How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Five: The American Deep State (Resteemed)

This is a resteem from three months ago. The nice things about revisiting old posts is that they can be updated and tweaked, corrected and finetuned. Commenter contributions can be added as well as the insights the author gets from his commenters.

In my last Information War post, Part Four, I concluded by making a distinction between Information War as a concept, and "The Information War".

"The Information War". Let me clarify this meaning in that I think there is an active Information War going on between several groupings of corruptocrats and the interests of the average human being. The major campaign of "The Information War", IMHO, is being fought in the United States between a corruptocrat alliance of globalists/leftists and liberty minded citizens.

Exposing the Deep State

While you might want to think I'm mocking conspiracy thinking by using this cartoon, instead think of it as a funny view of how people attempt to explain things with incomplete information.

Luckily for us, the Deep State broke it's own cover as Trump ran for President, and then ran naked and screaming through the streets calling attention to itself after Trump was elected. Think of Dubya, who remained silent for eight years of Obama's open attacks on the Constitution, and yet, just now decided to run his blowhole questioning Trump's enforcement of codified law.

The "American" Deep State just moved itself from the area of an unknown allegation to a proven actor.

This was a serious Information War error on the part of the Deep State!

Previously, discussion of the Deep State has always been by people who were subject to propaganda attacks of being "conspiracy freaks". Now, the Deep State is being discussed as a reality even on some influential center-left forums:
Are Deep-State Leakers Defending Democracy or Corroding It?
Trump vs. the Deep State: This death match of American political power will forever change history
Roger Stone Versus the “Deep State”

Nothing undermines your own credibility as much as saying something like the following:
We KNOW we used to call you conspiracy nuts when you discussed the possibility of a Deep State interfering with the legitimacy of the Republic, but now that the Deep State is out in the open, you rubes just shut up and obey the superior wisdom of the Deep State in why that legitimacy doesn't matter.

And of course, the exposure of the Deep State to the public creates backlash against the Deep State as illegitimate in nature.
Trump is showing how the Deep State really works

And we should not forget that there are members of the security community that recognize the danger of the Deep State as a threat to democracy itself; i.e., not everybody in the security community is a Deep State hack!

New FBI Docs Expose "Shadow Government" Protected Hillary In Email Investigation

One of the biggest advantages that the Deep State had (past tense) is that people did not know for sure that it existed! They themselves gave up that advantage to oppose the election of just one man. Now we know for sure, and we know that they are an enemy of the Constitution.

A tiny digression into the idea of autonomy in security operations in a representative government.

This is based on competing necessities, and is worth a post of it's own. For now, I summarize:

  • Intelligence needs secrecy to function well
  • Governments need transparency to be accountable to the public
  • Security agencies need some autonomy to protect their mission against subversive public officials

These things do not balance easily, and the human tendency to be corrupt makes balancing them to protect liberty even harder. Mix these with theory such as growth complex, bureaucratic politics, and the possibility of kakistocracy, and the emergence of a Deep State becomes a constant, and likely, danger.

Beyond the Security Community

Although discussion of the Deep State is usually in context to the operations of security agencies, remember that entrenched corruption rings will cooperate to protect their own agendas. The Department of Justice failed to prosecute the known felonies of Hillary Clinton. Acting head of the DOJ Sally Yates failed to enforce immigration law.

If you look at how deeply the rot is set into to each feudal fief that our burrocratic agencies have become, you will see they all have the same maintain control.

These alliances go into education ( via the Department of Education and the ideological momentum of the Left to always move towards universal government control) and media. There is no need for the CIA to pay off every member of the press, when the DNC can tell a reporter what story to run with, and the reporter will do so out of ideological loyalty.


Maybe I should have titled the blog...The UN-American Deep State

The Deep State is now a known factor. The conspiracy "nuts" were right, on this point, at least. The Deep State violates law and duty in order to protect the Deep State, not to protect America. The people that defend the Deep State after previously have denied it's existence have no credibility.

What YOU do with that information is up to you!

There has not been a lot of updating as far as this post goes; to check out the original, and the comments made, see here

This series index:

So you want to be an InformationWar Activist? - Part One (UPDATED)
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Two, Morality (UPDATED)
How to be an InformationWar Activist, Part Three: Is the Information War Winnable?(UPDATED)
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Four: What the heck IS Information War? (UPDATED)
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Five: The American Deep State (RESTEEMED)
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Six: The Personal Price
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Seven: Who Might The Players be?
How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Eight: Making Sense of Multiple Levels of Corruption
How to be an InformationWar Activist, Part Nine: The Power of Decentralization As A Tool

Steemit writers contributing to understanding the Information War

@phibetaiota - Information War, OSINT
@krnel - Critical Thinking/Cognitive Bias
@dwinblood - Critical Thinking
@rebelskum -

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