QUESNEY21 (Day14): I am Grateful - An Overwhelming Work Week

Grateful Leaves Thanksgiving Social Media Post.png

Image and design by Canva

Today was a fantastic end to an extremely full and overwhelming work week. This week was really packed to the brim with activities and things that I had to do and achieve. It has been tiring with many late nights, mostly sleeping at 2.30 am and waking up early the next morning to get Chapati to school and then to work. Then home again at the end of the day to deal with the kids and after putting them to bed, I would sit down and focus on doing my posting for the 21-day challenge. Honestly, I have been waking up in the morning dead tired...but never more excited about everything! I know my intro sounds a lot like I am complaining but really I want to share with you how happy and grateful I am! So here goes;

I am grateful for...

My staff appraisals

I never thought that I would say this but I am really grateful to have the opportunity for a sincere one on one conversation with each and every team member. It is a tough and sometimes "dirty" job. It can also be emotional and unsettling when dealing with non-performers. Now, I see it as a way to speak into someone's life and make a difference. Whether it is asking questions about their goals and career directions or just simply having a dialogue about what is important to them and what makes them tick! I wrote a posting earlier this week about how draining it was having these sessions but really, during our conversations, I realised that I personally benefitted from them too. I am able to hone my skills in motivation, explaining vision, correcting behaviours, pointing out directions and setting them on the path to success. I still have so much more to learn but I am grateful that I can learn to build relationships and support a person to achieve what they set out to do in their careers. I even got to pray for some of them!

Critical Success Activities Workshop for 2nd QTR 2018

On the first month of every quarter, we conduct a workshop to reward celebrate performing consultants who did well in the previous quarter. It was also a time for us to come together to set goals and targets that we want to achieve in the coming quarter and learn how to become better at our job! This time the workshop training revolved around the environment that we create through our attitudes or mindset that prevail in the company. I am grateful that there seemed to an increased sense of accountability and positive enthusiasm from everyone about our growth this year.


My superb team!

My brand new Huawei Mate 9 Mobile Phone

Last week when I attended the 100 degrees Steemit Introduction Event I realised that for some reason my 11-month-old Huawei Mate 9 mobile phone just could not take clear photos. Gasp! A Steemian that can't take clear photos? A catastrophe! What could be worse than not being able to take photos?

Anyway, I took my phone to the Huawei service center just last Wednesday to get it looked it. To my surprise, the customer service person told me after logging my case that, if it was a software issue they would repair it, however, if it was a hardware malfunction then they would replace my phone 1 to 1!

I am so grateful that today I received an SMS informing me that my phone was ready for collection. When I went there guess what? I got myself a brand new phone! Thank you Huawei for fantastic customer service!


The cute helpful CS exec who helped me


A picture of a happy me!

My QUESNEY 21 - A 21-day Challenge to post every day on Steemit

This challenge is DEMANDING! I have never done something like before. As with everything, forming new and different habits is tough! I am so grateful that I am developing my skills in writing (which I love to do), pushing aside distraction and learning to focus, drawing out creativity and pushing through with persistence and perseverance for something that I truly believe in and enjoy doing. Honestly, it helps to have an accountability partner and lots of good friends who give you hell when you slack though! I am grateful to them too!


Photo by Juliette Leufke on Unsplash

Being a part of the Steemit Ecosystem and Team Malaysia!

I am grateful for the numerous events and new friendships that I have developed over the last 3 months. We are still getting to know each other better, but I am just so awestruck how friendships here push you to become a better person, to learn how to interact better and add value to each other. I am amazed that it also draws out great ideas and collaborations in the spirit of benefitting our community around us. The fact that I am able to earn real money and invest for my future is really icing on the cake!

That the weekend has arrived

As with everything, there is always the silver lining on the cloud, the light at the end of the tunnel. I am grateful that I get to rest and spend time with my loved ones. Through a weekend I am reminded to keep as a priority above everything else, to spend time with God and my family every day! I know I fail a lot of times, when a week like this happens but it is never too late to correct my course and be intentional about it.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Image Source Pixabay

What are you grateful for? Please do share as I would love to celebrate with you!

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So what is QUESNEY21? @joannewong and I are challenging each other to create great content for the next 21 days. Starting 26th of March and ending on the 15th of April. We needed the discipline and motivation that comes from being accountable to each other. Tell us if this is interesting to you, do you think you could benefit from your own QUESNEY 21?

Check out the other postings for this challenge:
Quesney21 (Day 13): The Love It/Shove It Challenge by @snowpea
QUESNEY21(Day 12): Personal Finance Series #1: Living Without Debt
QUESNEY21 (Day11): Persistence & Perseverance
QUESNEY21(Day 10): Review #1: Weaning Tots - Kid Friendly Restaurant
QUESNEY21 (Day9): 100 Degrees Steemit Introduction Session - 3rd April at Talentbank

Do check out @joannewong postings too for this challenge!


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