I AM THE REVOLUTION and it won't be televised. My journey begins as a vagabond...

Hey you beautiful followers I have unplugged from the matrix by putting 'all my eggs in one basket' off grid in a new immutable extremely well governed audit technology called blockchain supported by a protocol token called bitcoin.

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So far have been handsomely rewarded with portfolio up 700% in 16 months. So I pulled all inflationary (fiat) money out and sold all assets and moved to: computer money or Internet money as some call it. I am furiously mad at the system (governments and corporations) for ripping people off via inflation and monopolies and I am fighting back hard as I am the revolution, shop local and use global community money!

Before cashing it out and building a home I am going to gift much of my stuff and put the rest into storage on land I bought and go live within my means (hoping to never work again) on an early pension of $750.00 CAD per month. I am jumping into my 1985 VW Camper Van and traveling North America whereas I should only need communication, food and gas:

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BEFORE BUFFING, did someone pee on the tire?

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...and will drive from Vancouver BC to Florida. Hopefully there is a ferry from Key West Florida that can handle the VW for a Cuba excursion. If not I may fly from there. I will be blogging my trip on Steemit (not Reddit or Facebook) as Reddit and FB censor my writings and Steemit is on a blockchain owned by the community and they can't censor without great effort. I will be showing pictures of my visits, updating on how the computer money is doing, talking global monetary policy which may include politics – yuk eh. Go Trump*. Please follow my adventure! I am not a financial advisor, so I caution all, but I am 35 year experienced expert on global finance and hobby in information technology. Should you choose to comment please be researched, out of respect of others, and if not at least read some of my writings evidenced with links on the blog.

I gave notice at my place for August 1st and saying good-bye to all my new Nelson BC friends – it has been almost two years now!

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I am on what could be a few year journey to find a new home which may end up being back in the Kootenay.

I am pimping out my VW Van named: Jenny Freedom (adventure) DJ Vanagon, by refurbishing her to new with a bit of bastardization which includes 12 speakers, UV activated painting, curtains and bedding.

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My trip will include the 2017 burning man music festival.

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POLITICS: please skip this part if not interested in the survival of mankind...

The economic world you live in as I see it:

I look at the world from an accounting perspective. Once you cannot pay your bills anymore you are usually called bankrupt from a generally accepted accounting principle. In 2008, the bankers called each other out and froze overnight lending for 30 days in September. They then picked Lehman and Bear to be liquidated. The US gov't was called in to provide $700B+ of liquidity to save AIG the insurer of those two banks and also to pass the new money around to save all the others affected by not being paid what was owed by the failed enterprises. Ever since that day the USA, Japan and EU have printed money. For the first 4 years was the US then the day after they stopped Japan started printing $80B US equivalent monthly but within 2 years that proved not enough and the EU joined the printing ever since. Currently, both printing at least $200B+ per month. Some reports at $400B per month. Now Trump wants to spend $1-1.5 Trillion on infrastructure on top of spending $.5-1 Trillion they are short on every year. Add to that the .5% interest rate hike that will effect the $20 Trillion in debt interest costs. That could add around $.5 Trillion in expense cost per year. So all in all I see $1-3 Trillion USA dollar short fall over the next 1-1.5 years. I simply call that bankrupt! So now we have Trump running things. My bias is I like that a lot. He understands BANKRUPTCY very much or as he would say very very much. He also has added two important liquidators to his team:

Secretary Treasurer:

In 2009, a group led by Mnuchin bought California-based residential lender IndyMac, which had been in RECEIVERSHIP by the FDIC and owned $23.5 billion in commercial loans, mortgages, and mortgage-backed securities. After purchasing IndyMac, renamed OneWest Bank, Mnuchin served as CEO and chairman. OneWest then bought several other FAILED banks including First Federal Bank of California in 2009 and La Jolla Bank in 2010. Furthermore, OneWest bought a portfolio belonging to Citi Holdings for $1.4 billion. OneWest was profitable one year after Mnuchin had bought it, and it became the largest bank of Southern California, with assets worth $27 billion. Criticism for aggressive foreclosure practices. OneWest was criticized for AGGRESSIVELY FORECLOSING on homeowners.

Secretary of Commerce:
He specializes in LEVERAGED BUYOUTS AND DISTRESSED BUSINESSES. As of February 2017, Forbes magazine has reported that Ross has a net worth of $2.5 billion. Ross is known as the "King of Bankruptcy" for his experience in buying BANKRUPT companies, primarily in the manufacturing and steel industries, and later selling them for a large profit after operations improve.

Obama a black man rose up to the most powerful office in the world yet was still a SLAVE to the bankers. The fundamental difference between the Bush, Clinton and Obama administrations is they all listened to the bankers but Trump believes he is the boss of the IMF, World Bank, Council on Foreign Relations and maybe even the UN!

Heads up folks keep your chin up high and a smile on your face and may the sun shine on you forever with the best of luck. Peace be with you!

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