Why was SportsPodium created?

We all had sports stars in our schools. These guys and girls are born with the talent to perform in mostly any sport. Some go on to achieve great success in sports later in life, but some don’t.

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I had a friend at school, let’s call him John, which during our 12 years at school, received provincial (regional) colors 14 times in 4 different sporting disciplines. The guy was just good at every sport which he participated in. After school I traveled through Europe for a few years and on my return I expected John to be a National Athlete or have national colors in various sporting disciplines. Unfortunately he did not, and the sad thing is that although he had the talent and was definitely good enough to compete at international level.

One of the main reasons that he never moved to the next level, was that he was living in a small town, and was never noticed by the scouts. I am sure many of us can tell similar stories.
John did not go to an internationally recognized sporting school which is unfortunate in today’s competitive sporting communities.

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In today’s competitive sporting communities, you have be identified at a very young age, in order to have any chance of success in a professional sporting career. If you do not know the right people or do not go to the appropriate sporting school or have the correct surname that is recognised by the scouts or selectors, you very little chance. And that is unfortunately the reality.

There are just too many talented people participating in sports these days, which makes it very difficult for the scouts and talent seekers, to know where to look. The scouts have their favourite hunting grounds to find talent, and the logical place to start looking is the well-known schools, clubs and universities. This is how it has always been.

What if we can give the scouts a reason to look elsewhere?

What if we can use the immutability and trustless state of the blockchain to provide information to the scouts and talent seekers from every sports person around the world? What if we use clever algorithms to identify talented individuals and highlight them to the scouts and clubs that are looking for some talent? What if we provide a club that is looking for a person to play in a specific position, and the club have the ability to search a database of players in a hierarchical structure?

Let me give you an example: A talented player from a country like South Africa, is looking for an opportunity to study at a university in the United States to further his sporting career. Currently there is no chance for the University to even know that the individual exist. What if the sports person, can promote himself to the university in a structured way using his lifetime sporting stats, which will be presented from a blockchain, to ensure that the information is trustworthy?
What if a club from England are looking for a specific talented individual but they have access to a database from all players around the world?

There are so many examples that can be provided, we will sit here for the rest of the day

SportsPodium is a solution to all the what if’s scenario’s above and we are only mentioning a few of much more to come. We will reveal more about the solution in our upcoming posts.

Please share this post far and wide and follow us @sportspodium for more information. There is some big announcements coming soon.

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