Bible Verse of the Day #13; The Kingdoms Of The World


Luke 4:5-7

5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

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The Kingdoms Of The World

satan tempts Jesus with the offer of rulership over all the kingdoms of the world, a proposal that Jesus rejects. This could be viewed as an appeal for material wealth, possessions and power.

(1) Jesus' kingdom in this age is not a worldly kingdom (John 18-:36-37). Throughout His ministry, Jesus would refuse to seek a kingdom for Himself by the worldly method of compromise, earthly power, political maneuvering, external violence or personal popularity.

(2) Jesus' kingdom is a spiritual one, established in the hearts of His people, who has also refused to follow the ungodly ways of the world. As a heavenly kingdom,
(a) it is gained through suffering, self-denial, humility and meekness-the opposite of how worldly people pursue power;
(b) It requires surrendering ourselves as living and holy sacrifices (Roman 12:1)-completely devoted and obedient to God and His purposes;
(c) It involves a battle against satan, sin, temptation and evil using spiritual weapons (Ephesians 6:10-20);
(d) It means resisting conformity to the believes, conformity to the beliefs, behaviors and lifestyles that are common in the world (Roman 12:2).

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(3) satan's appeal to worship him was an attempt to get Jesus to take a quick route to worldly domination-to avoid the humiliation and sufferings that would lead to Jesus' death on the cross. That is to say, the devil was trying to get Jesus to lay aside His entire purpose for coming to earth (Matthew 4:10). Christ willingness to take all the difficulties that lay ahead is an example to all believers. He taught us that there are no shortcuts to fulfilling God's perfect purposes for our lives, no matter how tempting the options may seem.

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Thanks for reading.
God bless you.

[NIV Study Edition Bible]


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