The story of my premonition. | SWC contest by @jerrybanfield

Yesterday I saw the Supernatural Writing Contest by @jerrybanfield and decided it was an excellent opportunity for me to share with the community this experience I had when I was a kid, I even mentioned it on one of @everittdmickey 's posts a few days ago. This is the long version.


The beginning

Ever since I was a child I have always been attracted to the unknown, every type of mystery was always interesting for me. Whether it was paranormal things like ghosts (not so interesting now after my childhood ended, but I still think there are type of energies we don't yet understand), or UFOs, or things about our reality, for example my first science project in school was about Black Holes because I knew they were (are) the guardians of great "secret" knowledge about our universe that one way or another we will discover eventually. I even remember one day I was on my backyard playing, that one crazy thought came to me about "what if we never actually touch things but instead we "feel" like touching them" later in life I discovered this was actually more truth than what I thought at the time the idea came to my head. I mention this, just to give an example or sort of an introduction about the things I tend to think about, even when I was little. Crazy things, or perhaps not so crazy...

I have always been intrigued by black holes

The story I want to share with you, is the only time in my life I saw the future. Well, actually, there were 2 times, but more on this later.

When I was very young, like 9 years old more or less, I started to enjoy watching European football a lot, I remember in one of the first games I was watching I saw Ronaldinho missing a penalty and thought that guy was a horrible player.

My favorites tournaments were obviously the spanish league because I could read their news with no problem, in those years I still had not learn english, so the games I watched the most were the ones with Real Madrid. And my favorite clubs competition was and still is the Champions League.

The first Champions League tournament that I watch and really enjoy was the 2004-2005 season. I remember clearly how Liverpool was able to eliminate Mourinho's Chelsea and go on the final against the powerful Milan, and beating them after being 3-0 in the scoreboard, the best Champions League final I have ever watched was also my first one. Winning after losing 3-0 is almost crazy to achieve, but this team managed to accomplish it.

After seeing the craziness about this tournaments, I was hooked and started to regularly watch this games.

My premonition came one year later.

It was 2006 and me and my friends were all hooked on football. I remember that day in the morning in school when we were in science class, I was making mental preparations about what to drink and eat while seeing the final later that day, this year it was Arsenal vs Barcelona.

This is Henry, the goal was NOT his

Of course, when saying I saw the future it is easy to choose not to believe it, since having proof is impossible, except in my case I have at least 2 people, that know it is true, because in the morning I told them about it BEFORE the game started at 3pm in my local time.

My premonition is not something crazy about politics, or war or anything like that (although I wish it was, I remember for example a guy dreaming about the new Argentinian Pope before he was announced and he posted it online), no, my premonition was about a goal that went EXACTLY as I saw it in my dream the night before. EXACTLY the same goal.

Basically, in my dream I saw a goal, later that day, the goal I saw in my dream happened, 100% exactly the same.

In the morning after my dream I casually told my 2 friends that I had dreamed about a "black and bold player scoring a header for Arsenal that was not Henry".

Who is Henry by the way? well, Henry at the time was an amazing striker, one of the best players in the world and probably the guy you would think of when hearing Arsenal scored a goal. But my description of the goal was very specific: "a black and bold player that was not Henry".

The thing I did not tell to my friends, were how actually the goal went on, because the ball starts on the right side of the field (right side from the perspective of the TV), just like in my dream, and the curve of the ball is an open curve, I mean, the ball is heading away from the goalkeeper not towards it, and the perspective in which I saw the goal was exactly the same as the TV transmission, which is a crazy coincidence and makes me think I simply saw the future just from my perspective. So no one besides me know that I actually saw the play before it became true, but at least my 2 friends know that I dreamed a goal at least very similar to the one that went on. Besides, it is not like that was a typical goal for that team.

What happened in the final? Well, just the same as is my dream, there was a black and bold guy from Arsenal that was not Henry scoring a header, you can see the goal here:

The next day I didn't even remember about my dream from the day before, it was because one of my two friends told me about it that I remembered it, and he was a little creep out for it, since I didn't even remember I was also a little creep out about this, but later knowing this became something exciting for me, because now I know, even if other people believe me or not, I know and I am 100% secure that we can mess with time and see what is ahead of us, one way or another, we can do it. Reality has a lot of crazy things for us to discover, and "time messing" might be one of them.

Because the other explanation would be for it to be an incredibly and almost impossible coincidence, and this would be an extremely long shot... This takes me to my ACTUAL first premonition which sadly I cannot remember (the goal was my second one).

When I was very little, about 3 years old according to my mom, one night I woke up extremely disturbed because, again, according to my mom I had a dream about my dad face covered with blood and extremely hurt. She told me I mentioned this to her several times after waking up that night.

She says I was so disturbed that she got very worried about it. Now, my mom and dad do not live together. But a few years later, she told me the car accident my dad had around that time (he recovered nicely by the way) was the same night that I woke up in a really disturbed state.

Sadly, I do not remember any of this, according to my mom I was like 3 years old, and I remember things when I was even younger, but this event I really cannot remember it. Since my mom has told me about this several times, I choose to believe her.

And well, this thing that happened when I was 3 years old might not be a premonition because it is impossible to know (unlike the goal) what happened first, if my dream or the accident, nevertheless, this is another personal proof I have, that there are things we still have not discovered. Ways that allow us to see or know things in ways we cannot explain.

As I told you in the beginning, this is something that has fascinated me since I was little. And I believe the only way we have to start discovering this is through science discoveries using technology innovations, that is why you see a lot of posts from me writing about science, technology and the future.

Let me know if you have had premonitions before, and feel free to share them!

I also want to ask you: do you think I saw a premonition or do you believe it was just a incredible coincidence?

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