Develop and HODL your positive thinking, good values, and discipline

Learning from others is healthy

Have you ever look around you and really observe the most successful people there are? If you start doing that you will notice that each of them have an important quality. Do you know what it is? Self control, successful people are those who are capable of sacrificing themselves for something they want, for something they want with all their might. Most of us I am sure, have heard the stories about how Bill Gates use to even sleep in his office when he was young.

Laziness take us nowhere and reduce our productivity. We must fight laziness up to the point we have completely eradicated it from our thoughts

Self-control is also what allows us to have discipline, we all have had moments when we feel extremely lazy and the only thing we want is to lay on our bed and watching a cool movie. But it is only 2pm and we have almost the whole day ahead of us! So discipline is what allow us to stop being lazy and start taking care of our responsibilities. Self-control is needed when we hear the call inside of our head for leisure time, but stick to our duties and ignore said call.

As a personal example, I can tell you recently (yesterday) I was finally able to have the game Civilization VI on my computer ready to play, nevertheless, since I have not been as active in Steemit as I would like (had a light fever this past few days), I decided to not play the game until I catch up with my comments and chatting. The same can be said about everything related to pure entertainment. Self-control is about being fair with yourself, and allow you some leisure time when you truly deserve and the more important things are taken care of.

To be successful we have to prepare our brain so that it can always take one more step, one more effort. When we are tired, make an extra effort, when we are already burdened and do not want to study we must continue studying for at least half an hour more, when we are done and ready to call it a day, work for a little while longer. The fact of making an extra effort, of building through sacrifice, is what we have to establish as our way of life. This dynamic can eventually become our new normal, in a way our productivity will maintain a higher level and we will be able to accomplish more things on our day.

Finding balance is important

We must never forget the importance of having proper balance

Sometimes there are many people who are not able to understand what is the theme of the famous "sacrifice" and again and again they say to themselves: "life is to enjoy", "you have to live in the present", "the life is too short to be wasted studying / working”... All this is obviously true, but there is also a very important part that we have to learn to control, because the immediate present can get us away from the path we must follow to reach the goal that we had proposed for us, like finishing college or look for a job that allows us to live at a better economic level, etc.

It is for all that, that my goal with this new post, is to give advice so that each of you can apply it to yourself or in the case you have them to your children.

We have to learn to distinguish what we really want with all our heart. It may be the case that we have had a discussion at work or with the family, that we have suspended a test that we have been preparing for a long time. At that moment we are probably invaded by rage, anger or even frustration and we have the desire to abandon everything, break a door, insult or even scream loudly until we have no voice. But if what we really want predominates, if again and again we draw in our mind the goal we want to achieve, and we impose our reason over our emotion, then all the unpleasant thoughts that invade us like runaway horses will cease and again we will have in our power the necessary forces to follow the path that will take us to that destination so longed for and desired.

Good values are also important since basing our decisions on good values, allow us to develop a good judgment when faced with difficult situations, facilitating us the handling of this circumstances in the most positive way for everyone involved.


Never forget that it is very convenient to learn how to stop the runaway horses that drive the car of our emotions and immediate desires, for what we really want and that without a doubt when we achieve it, this will make us feel proud of ourselves and our effort.


We have to work to be able to create the life we really want, as I wrote on a previous post, we have the power and the capacity to create our own reality, our thoughts set the way in which we interact with our world and therefore, they have massive power that can be used to build or to destroy.

Do you have positive (allow us to construct) or negative (allow us to destroy) thoughts?

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