The Hidden Dangers of Dishonesty

The world is becoming more transparent. Look at the blockchain- each detail recorded meticulously and permanently and accessible to anyone. Created to decentralize and place the power in the hands of the people.

We are at an era where dishonesty and omission of fact is becoming more and more difficult.

Why? Because we are sick of the Powers That Be hiding things from us. We are outraged by the dishonesty.

And because lies sucks.

How do you feel when someone close to you has lied to you? Hurt? Betrayed? Exposed? Why do you feel this way? Because you placed your trust in someone and they knowingly did something against you.

What is the definition of abuse?
“To use something to bad effect or for a bad purpose.”
“To treat with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.”

Lying and omitting details is abuse. It is cruel. You can argue that to tell the truth is crueler, as in a case of adultery, but people always find out. We are each ingrained with an inherent sense we like to call instinct. It’s left over from when we had to escape snarling, breathmint needing sabertooths, but we still have it, and when we are lied to that nagging little sense prickles our conscious to let us know that something is just not right.

Lying and omission is very damaging to the victim. It fosters self doubt which leads to a waver in self esteem. It stimulates the production of cortisol- the body’s natural fight or flight hormone, and if the lies continue the cortisol in the victim begins creating all sorts of nasty afflictions such as anxiety, mental health problems and even heart ailments.

Lies and the omission of full truth is damaging. It is abuse. The world is beginning to realize this and is eliminating avenues in which the acts are possible. I urge you to do the same in your family and friendships.

No, those pants do not make you look fat, however, all that extra stress from an overproduction of cortisol does.

Images via pixabay, Giphy, Stockphoto, and Creative Commons, unless otherwise noted.

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