To Keep Her You Gotta Put the Time and Effort Into Her

By her I mean Steemit.

She didn’t fall at your feet the moment you started talking to her, and she’s not going to stick around for your bullshit.

Steemit is like a relationship. You first go into it with starry eyes and an excitable stomach. She chose you. She likes you. You don’t know why but she does.

You keep doing what you are doing because obviously it worked.

You think about her all the time. Come up with ways to make her happy.

Little things. You don't understand, but those little things mean the world to her.

The looks. The hand holding. The little surprise note she'll find midday.

Anything to make her smile. Because her happiness is your happiness.

Time goes by.

The two of you enjoy the newness of your relationship.

It’s all peaches and rainbows and unicorns farting cupcakes.

You ride the high. Loving and being loved is a natural endorphin in itself.

You guys get comfortable.

Fall into your happy routine.

Live your happy routine.

Day after day.

You get more comfortable.

Slack off a bit.

Start leaving the toilet set up and stop hugging her for no reason.

You don’t look into her eyes and remember to cherish her.

You don’t need to, right? She’s already yours.

You start getting lazy and slack off more.

And that, my dear, is the beginning of the end.

If you want to keep a quality woman, you have to keep reminding her why she chose a sludge like you.

You have to work at it every day with the exact same amount of effort you put into getting her to fall in love with you in the first place.

To grow on Steemit, you have to do the same. Your followers are people who fell for you. If you slack off, they are like an ignored girlfriend- they know they can say goodbye to you and find somebody who will treasure them and provide them the same high quality from day 1 to day 1001.

If you give it your all, your girl will be happy and stay.

Give Steemit your everything, everyday. You will get exactly what you give.

Images via and Pixabay

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