Unfolding My Steemit Story

~~~~~A Story Untold ~~~~~

6 Months ago, a father told his 24-year-old daughter about Steemit. He knows she used to own a blog and store a prodigious amount of thoughts in her little black book. So he suggested her to spend her free time writing them on Steemit instead. Intrigued by the idea of getting rewarded, she checked out Steemit and find the website way interesting than what she expected and loves the idea of getting paid by cryptocurrency. However her boyfriend of that time was quite skeptical towards it, but he remains supportive for her.

It was supposed to be a team project since he loves taking photograph while she likes to write. The plan was to post interesting articles featuring food and cool places the couple will visit weekly. That was the idea and plan the girl had and wanted to fulfill since they both love to explore food in Beijing, so why not write about it? With the mission of showcasing Asia at its best, the name @asianetwork is found. Doesn’t that name sound like a TV Cable Channel to you? 😆

However, after two posts were created on Steemit, the couple’s relationship did not turn out well. A broken heart is unable to produce any content, and the owner’s dreams and ideas were tucked away in the corners of her mind, untouched and forgotten; Steemit was cast aside.

As she carried on with her life and kept her time occupied, she allowed her tight schedule to gobble her free time till there is no space for leisure and enjoyment. She knew the existence of her Steemit account but never thought of logging in, the memories of why she wanted to write on Steemit were too painful to recall and remember.

~~~~~The Turning Point~~~~~

Have you ever wonder why there was a big gap between my second and third post? The story you read above was actually me. I was that young lady who wanted to write about food and places in Beijing. So even though I’m 6 months old on Steemit, in reality, I am only active for2 months. If it wasn’t for the freelance work that require me to write again, I might really forget about Steemit. My work requires me to look for forums to write about life in Beijing and my job is to create interesting content. Talking about coincidence, or God was giving me a second chance on Steemit, that was the time when I remembered, I HAD A STEEMIT ACCOUNT! So, why don’t I write it here?

So pretty soon, I began to write again, and start showing my existence in the discord channels. You could say that I was left out because I wasn’t active for three months. But persistence kept me going… with the commitment of posting at least 1 post a week, I began to see my reputation increase.

~~~~~Community Matters~~~~~

@rt395 was one of the first people that I interacted with when I first joined Steemit, and I am very grateful because he was really helpful and kind when I join steemitbc.slack.com. Later the community moved to discord and through him, I got to do an interview with @steemitbc. That published interview here gave me more exposure online, and through there I got to know many more people like @spiritualmax, who I enjoy talking whenever I can, and because of him I gained the courage to tell my marketing professor about Steemit. (I have yet to see my professor on Steemit yet, LOL)

Besides steemitbc, I got to know another wonderful group of people who somehow keep the discord channel active and alive with all sorts of conversations going around 24/7. And that is the #Steemitbloggers lead by @jaynie. Sometimes, I even find myself just sitting in front of my screen reading the conversations happening in the discord. The chat rooms become my virtual classroom to learn and grow. It wasn’t just a chatroom of randoms chats, it is a place where interaction and growth take place. The very same chatroom I learn about health benefits of bananas from @amabir is also the same chatroom I learned about bid bots from @mvrr007. I’m very glad to say, the things I learned are often more than what I studied and read.
I also joined #teamgirlpowa to read more about women empowerment. Reading about women empowerment helps me to get to know other women from different countries and cultures. If it wasn’t for the time difference, I might be a chatterbox there.

~~~~~There is always Opportunities~~~~~

The most recent community I joined would be @thesteemengine, which supports authors with good articles. Of course there are other communities like @adsactly, @qurators, @ocd(another community that promotes originality)and many more which I have yet to join. I'm still looking to grow on Steemit.

I also worked with @cn-reader to translate some of the best works from the Chinese Steemit community. I got to say it’s a challenge for me because it really stretch my capabilities in both Chinese language and translation, there goes the saying No Pain, No Gain! The generosity and kindness of the community help me; once again, it's a classroom on Steemit.


Writing on Steemit has its challenges, it requires constant brainstorming, drafting, writing and more writing. IQ doesn't push you further, the will to stay strong does! The questions that always occur in my head are: How to catch my readers attention?How to keep them coming back for more? I even reflect on my writings! Trust me, I KEEP A JOURNAL and study how others write their post! I also use the techniques I learned from marketing and copy-writing.
So if you are reading this now, you can use the techniques I'm using too. It requires some work, but the investment is worth it. Well, I don't want to get carried away explaining every single strategy that could be applied because that would require a whole new post; If you get the point, lovely 💓 .

So, are you climbing up the rep ladder? Are you working hard to gain attention for your post? Are you looking at your hard work and sigh that it only pays you pennies?

Then you’re not alone, because I'm with you, working hard simultaneously.


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Cheers 🍷

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