You must create abundance
When you only consume (Eg. You only eat what is giving to you or around you) you are creating limited feelings, energy, attraction, and beliefs. If we look at the opposite way here, when you create your own meals, cook your food, you are creating the beliefs that there is more than what is just offered in life. You can make more, make it different, make extra for others. What different perspectives in life! From waiting around to receive whatever comes to you, to having what you want when you want.
The Law of Attraction or the manifesting of anything in this world does not come to those who are patient but to those who see it and grab it.
This applies to everything, not just food! Many are doing this everyday, waiting for there life to turn around, assuming they are due for some luck or there time to shine. If you are just hoping things turn around, you are only going to receive whatever the world wants to offer you. The other way is creating the life you want. Research on what you want, how to get it and then apply it until you have accomplish the goal.