Follow & Listen to People You Want to be Remembered As

Who Do You Look Up To?

As mentioned in previous blogs, everything you hear and see is influencing you in your life. This is more of a reason to listen and follow to the most respected people you look up to. The narrative for this blog is to listen to those you want to be remembered as, have the traits they hold and the most respected people you admire.

Shoot high when looking at the people you wish you were like. Think of the people that have the highest morals and standards. People that you have so much respect for, that you are grateful they were alive to show you how strong a person can be.

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Learn from the Greats

If you continue to embrace yourself in the messages they left or put out in the world, the habits and patterns they hold, you will start to morph into the type of person they are.* The people you listen to, you will become. We often get sidetracked by the short term pleasant goals of watching tv, listening to current entertainment, keeping the same old friends that may not benefit your long term goals. Remember that everything, everybody, you see and hear will be influencing you completely.

If we want to have long term goals such as becoming the greatest version of ourselves, we will always have to sacrifice the short term ones to achieve them. If you give into short term goals you will delay your long term goals. This is how it works in every aspect of long term vs. short term goals.

Have a High Standard of Morals

If you value somebody and what they stand for or have become then you should study them, listen to them constantly and apply what they are doing to your life. If you changed your life right now and only surrounded yourself around very successful, high moral people, it wouldn’t be long for you to start to be just like them and have a life like them. This will take some letting go and detaching from your current life and old patterns are sometimes hard to break but this would continue the short term pleasures vs. your long term goals.

The only one thing you can pass down indefinitely is information, lessons, and examples of what you learnt on this planet while you had the privilege to be here. When I read about some of the great people that lived on earth, I think, this is somebody I want to be like. That keeps me motivated to be the best version of myself.

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