Do You Value Time??β±β°πŸ•°βŒ›οΈ Create Time...

Do You Value Your Time?

Time is important, time is valuable. One thing nobody can buy is time. What can you do then? You don’t manage time as most people tend to think or try to create. You create time by doing more, working more efficient and smarter, not taking time for granted. Make the most use out of your time because you are NEVER getting it back again.

What we should do is focus on the right thing for ourselves 24/7! If you value your time and value yourself you will make the most out of the time you have each and every day.

Most successful people do not care to give up money to create more time because they will gain more value for that time they created. They will take a speeding ticket gladly, not worry about the fine to save time. They may take a jet because they do not want to waste time waiting in the airports. These are just some examples of how others can be wasting time and accepting it.

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Value Yourself

You must value yourself first and then value your time because you know the time wasted on nothing is a huge setback to your forward progression. Warren Buffet, one of the richest people in the world, has been driving the same route to work for the last 54 years. It takes him 5 minutes each way and he takes pride in this commute because of the time he creates. He says the only difference a longer commute would of made in my life is that, "I would have known more words to songs then I do now."

If you add up all the hours he saved by this doing this, it would be days, months, and maybe even years worth of time. For a man with his work ethic and excellence, he made many more millions and possible billions of dollars because of this. The same theory applies for me and you.

This is One Reason I quit My Job Years Ago

This is one reason I quit my last job many years ago. I was travelling an hour each way to work. Two hours a day for 5 days a week. That’s 10 hours a week. Let’s just say it was for 50 weeks out of 52, that is 500 hours a year. 500 hours divided by 24 hours in a day = 20.8 days!! 20.8 days I was sitting in a car! Literally over 20 days STRAIGHT!! Can you even comprehend that? I did this math over 6 years ago. Thank god I left and started to work from home because that is just insanity.

Once you truly value your time, your work ethic will explode! This is how some of the greatest businesses were made. Tons of Silicon Valley’s top companies were created through doing 70+ hour work weeks.

40 Hour Work Week Disease

If you only work 40 hours a week, you can only get so much out of that time or work you put in. If you are working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, that is 84 hours! If you are completely efficient and the work you do is progressive. You are going to achieve what you want that much faster! It is that simple.

Most people today are trying to work 40 hours max and then cutting it from there as much as they can. They are taking off from work when they can. Not putting in extra work on themselves when they are done there day. This is why the middle class is dying and will be a big problem in the future. As I’ve said many times before, USA became the strongest most powerful country and its people in everything because of their work ethic.

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Value your time, yourself, and you will create as much time as you possible can by maximizing what you do within your time you have available. I think this is fantastic. If you have dreams to do great things for this world or your family, you will do this, starting right now!!


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