Why We ALL Need to be Sales People

Sales Skills Create Massive Success

Did you know that almost all of the wealthiest people critically learned sales skills right before they had their massive success?

This is not the only reason on why you should also have great sales skills. Sales skills are nothing more than great communication skills. It is almost impossible to be successful in any field of business and life without sales skills.

Too many people confuse sales with having to be under pressure ourselves and having to pressure another party to buy something they do not need. In business, you should only be selling to people who qualify for what you are selling.

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Selling Not in Business

But let’s talk about sales without the need to sell a product. Sales skills are a mix of skills that we all need to influence, persuade, to complete tasks that we need to accomplish. Let’s take a mother and their children and how both parties are sales people at all times. The mom needs to influence and persuade their kids to do their homework, eat well, when to do so, be polite and listen to them when they’re suppose to, ect.

Even as parents, we have to be sales people to our kids and close the deal all day long!

On the contrary, kids usually have some of the best sales skills as they are always trying to get what they want also. Candy, more play time, stay up late, do whatever their little heart’s desire and they will fight till the end to get it!

Whoever is more persuasive will win!

Selling Ourselves

How do we become likable, create more friendships, and find a spouse in life? We must sell ourselves to get what we need done. It will not just happen because of your character. If you do not get anyone’s attention, nobody will know how wonderful you are and what you have to offer this world!

Do you have a heart of gold and want to help the world? Become a part of a wonderful cause where you can contribute to the world in a beautiful way? Well you will not impact many people if you do not know how to sell! Have you have been to churches? These places have some of the best sales people around, always looking to get what they need to pursue a great cause. They do not just wait for you to be generous, they go right for it, ask and persist that you give. It may be in a subtle way but they are doing at every moment.

These are all the same rules that apply to our success in our work. We cannot become financial independent if we are not great sales people. We cannot even get a job if we do not know how to sell ourselves for it. We become sales people in the moments our lives depend on it but otherwise most people will try to prevent having these skills because they think it is not morally justified. If you have plans to be a great giving person to your family or the world, you should definitely be working on your sales, always!

As I said before, sales skills are mainly just communicating skills. You do not want to want to be a hermit and not know how to talk to people. Talking to others and building loving relationships is a huge part of human nature and our happiness. It can change your mood instantly from depressed to exhilaration. You want to be able to have deep stimulated conversation where you are both on the same page and this will not happen when you can’t speak smoothly or influence others to listen to you.

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