How to Achieve Everything You Ever Wanted in Life?

Clarity and Awareness

We have all the capabilities to take care of ourselves to thrive in the world; we’ve been giving all the tools we just need to apply them correctly.

Let me give you an example of having clarity and how it can change our perception.

If somebody touches you, they are not making you feel any type of way, you are making all the feelings yourself. Your brain sends the messages saying... this is somebody new, a girl, a boy, whatever you believe is true. While until we understand this we believe the other person makes us feel that way.

Same thing applies with everything in the world; it is not the world that makes you feel a type of way, only yourself. So only you can influence your feelings, emotions and thoughts. Once you have a handle on them, you can use them as you wish. This is why happiness is a choice, you can control it and summoning it at will.

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Create Clear Mental Images To Get What You Want

What about success and accomplishing certain goals or projects?

Say you want to make $100,000/year and that is the image you put in your mind.

Your mind will now open up and recognize opportunities or pathways to follow that would make you 100k/year or less.
The mind is funny that way, where if you do not hold or believe something in your mind, then you will never see it or believe it to be true when you do.

This is why a negative, pessimistic attitude can't see any possibilities and are very dismal on their outlook. The mind prevents them from ever go towards those goals or opportunities and then they believe it is not attainable. Now everything becomes hard or having bad luck, they think life is not easy and that is exactly what they get.

Do you see now why successful people always say to think big? It is free and it could create the life of your dreams. It will be very difficult to create any of that without a clear mental image of it.


Many outcomes can happen magically as if you did nothing to create what has happened. Yes life can feel this way! Things can be created fast and beautifully but that does not mean you do not need to do anything else.

Once you have the mental image and opportunities or ideas come to you, this means the mental image trick is working and now you need to do the most important task, take action! Nothing can get done unless you take action and execute.

This is why you see some people who are not even that great at what they do be very successful. Most people have a hard time take action and putting themselves out there.

Without the execution nothing will happen and then you could be again following the path of life is hard, I have bad luck, ect.

How to Get Exactly What You Want and Quickly!

One major part most people miss to achieve what they want is writing down your goals and being specific! This small task is usually what separates the good from the great.

Writing down your goals takes the mental image and clarity to the final level. When you write down specifically what you want, this puts in the mental image and the understanding of what next specific steps to take.

When you have a general idea or image, your mind can’t figure out what is step A, B, C ect. This prevents you from taking quick action in the exact area that you need to. When it is specific and written down, it makes it much more real and your awareness is heightening of what to do or where to look for that information. You will now have a much clearer path on where to go right now.

People think you can take shortcuts to get where you want but that is not the case. The shortcut is to have an exact understanding of where to go, what is step 1 and then you can complete that in such a short time that many will think you are taking a short cut because of how fast you complete things and advance.

This is Why Having a Clear Mental Image is so Important

The Importance of Having Clarity Within Yourself

Clarity within yourself to know who you are and what you want will keep you learning more about how your mind, body, how your emotions function and how to control them and use them efficiently.

To know yourself and what your purpose, wants, and needs really are. This will help you on your true path, your destiny, what you why is in life that will fulfill you completely to be happy and grateful in everything you do.

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