Patterns Shape Our Lives... Creating the Life We Desire!

The moment you wake up, each and every thought, feeling, and action will be strengthening patterns. Depending on what type they are, they will produce different outcomes. We must take notice in what we are doing and how it is effecting our life and world because everything you do, has a snowball effect and will strengthen more and more.

When things are feeling great and your patterns are very healthy, you can easily start to create bad ones by little differences you may make throughout your day. I find things can change so quickly if you are not aware of this. If I don’t do my positive healthy routines for a day or just have an unusual day of feeling off, I can spin it into 2-3 days like that easily. This can turn into monthly, yearly and more if you are not careful and then you will be blaming the world, god, anybody you can. As soon as you notice you’ve done something you shouldn’t have or skip out on your usual good habit (Diet, gym, reading, whatever it may be) you need to recognize it immediately and get back on track. It is so easy to move back into your old comfort zone or in just a non productive way.

This is why meditation is such a very important practice daily. It took me awhile to start to do it and then again to start doing it every day, even though I knew I should and wanted to do it. This is because my energy and patterns did not recognize this and I had to strengthen my own patterns to be able to do it. My thoughts and energy refused to want to just sit quietly; it is bizarre in a way. The same was true for putting my palms together; it felt so weird to do this. Why? My patterns where so strong on the other side of never doing any of this at all.

Same goes for your mind, with thinking, big or small. If you have beliefs in your mind that you can only achieve “this” or the world can only be like “This”, these are patterns and they contribute to everything created in your existence, all by what you are thinking, seeing, or believing. Think big, visualize what you want to see in this world and create the patterns that will put you there. You will only create what you perceive in this world.

When you say and believe you can achieve what you want, you ignite the power, the energy, and the skill to get the job done. This is your most powerful pattern you can create and it can all be done within you.

Why not create the world and life you truly desire and you can that...... starting right now.


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