Looking to load up on STEEM. Any suggestions on where and when?! Read my thoughts

The price drop recently got me thinking about all the possibilities and opportunities presenting themselves with Steem.

Alone with the current price of $1 USD, if Steem can continue it's move up to $10 in the next few years even, that will be an amazing investment in itself.

My thoughts were to load up on some Steem to hold for some appreciation. Power Up to give me more influence on my Steemit account. This will help bring me bigger payouts as users want to support others with influence to build relationships and return the favor. Also, my own votes will bring in more rewards for myself.

Now if Steem moves up to $10, my Steem Power will be 10x! My influence at this point will be MASSIVE. On top of that, if I continue to grow my Steemit account, that will be even more influence added to my account.

These are the opportunities that I see:

  1. A fantastic investment on Steem currency itself. (Steemit is so small and has so much room to run, which I see no reason why it wouldn't grow millions of users)
  2. Build up my profile stronger and faster by the added influence.
  3. All this influence will definitely help me turn this into a real income producing opportunity that will change my life forever!

I would greatly love to be able to produce content and connect with others all around the world, in person and online.
What a dream! This dream is looking more and more of a reality. This is creating some of the most exciting times of my life!

Now the recommendations I could use from all of you.....

Price of entry and where to purchase

  1. The current price in my opinion is a good value, considering what future projections look like. I will be scaling in my buy orders but my thoughts were to start buying bigger amounts near .60 or under. I know that price seems crazy cheap but earlier this year Steem was .15! With the big possibility of a pullback in the crypto market still, I believe we will see these prices at some point. This would be an even more incredible return if we see those double digit prices in the future!

  2. Where is the best place to purchase Steem for getting the best price? I've read a few posts on big price differences of the currency on various platforms, so would love to get the best info on this.

Greatly apprecaite all you reading and any suggestions you have on this matter.

To all our success on Steemit!

Matthew aka @bitdollar

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