Change Your Social Circle for Fast Success

Our Social Circle is Highly Influential to Us

Who you are around, your social circle is so influential to you, and could be a main reason of your success or failures in life.

People, communities, or even countries behaviors can be sometimes impossible to change, no matter what new developments of information are learnt. You can give all the right reasons on why somebody should listen to you, adopt a new attitude or behavior, do business with you, even to just change a hygiene problem that could save their life or community well being but they will not change because of the habits they have carried for some time and most importantly the social influence with their peers. Social influence has a major role for everyone to change behaviors, habits or patterns and to keep their current ones.

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Behaviors Shape Us

When a change in behavior is required and influence is needed to get people on board, even when it’s difficult, unpopular, or possibly even questionable, it often takes the support of the right person, an “opinion leader” to have people change their minds, have them listen, or to influence them to change.

People who are respected and connected can create enormous amounts of influence on people over even their strongest beliefs.

To be able to change our way of life to manifest something we’ve never had before, to achieve success that you never thought possible of achieving, it really just comes down to our behaviors and how we act and react to each day and moment.

Surround Yourself with New People to Achieve New Results

When we surround ourselves with others with these different behaviors or outcomes, to achieve the goals we want, it forces us to do as they do. We all are very analytical with others we see and this holds a massive influence on our lives.

While we are around these new people and behaviors, not only will we pick them up but they will hold us accountable to do as they do and show us the way of how to react in our environments, with all the small details, forcing us to deal with the circumstances as they would.

_We are influenced by our peers so strongly, so when you are in the realm of the people you want to be like, your peer pressured to be as the others. If they are who you want to be, have the morals you want, standards you want, this is a perfect recipe to develop into the great success and person you want to be and fast.

The Delaney Story of Addicts

The book I read on this subject had an amazing real life example of this theory. It was to do with drug and alcoholic addicts. There was group created to change their behaviors and had 100% success rate by getting them to join and live with another group of former addicts. The former addicts learnt new behaviors and how to function in society by working and living together.

The older members taught the ones below them and the newest learned from the recent newer members but all lived, worked and helped each other together. This showed the new addicts how to act and created new behaviors instantly.

All members supported and showed them how to handle themselves and it didn’t take long before they moved up to the next stage of becoming a better person and handling the addiction relapse. Alcoholics even served booze and didn’t have any urge to drink. This is how vital taking on new behaviors from your peers is and how influential people are to us in person.

Peer Pressure has Massive Influence

The majority of people, groups, and public communities usually discuss openly with others before they change behaviors in many circumstances. Some change efforts could be so profound that they require the help of everyone involved to enable people to make the change. Such as new health concerns, washing hands rigorously because of a new epidemic breaking out or what have you.

When changing habits that have been reinforced for some time by a person’s social network, people must be plucked from their support structure and placed in a new network where virtually everyone is their new social circle supports and rewards the right behaviors while punishing the wrong ones.

This is why you’ve heard the theory you are who your closest 5 friends are. The company you keep you become. This is so true, we watch others what they do and start to do the same. This might be because of how we learnt from a baby to even an adult and beyond. We have always been learning from other people and especially the closest people to us.

If you want success stay around good people that have what you want or who you want to be. If you want fast success stay around the best people of whom you want to be. Our behaviors are what determine what type of person we will be and the outcomes we will achieve.

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