Toronto Real Estate Market – December 2017 New Mortgage Rules

Toronto Real Estate Market Update

Not the usual post for me today but thought I would share my blog on my Toronto Real Estate Market. If you have interest in Real Estate or are in the Toronto market, this is tailored for you. I have my usual content coming later today, so stay tuned!

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Today's Update Includes...

Big updates this month! Today I will discuss the new mortgage rules coming in January and if it’s good or bad for the market. A general market update on current conditions and if you should buy, hold, or sell. A new movement me and my team just started that you can join to be apart of. It will have tons of great information, live updates on flips and the how to’s, and much more with investing in the GTA.

Current Market Conditions

Over the past few months we saw some pull back in the market but over the last 30 days or so it has been heating up again. Most likely from buyers worried about not getting qualified when the new rules come into play.

The pullback was a great buying opportunity for investors and if we see any pullback into the new year, I think it could be a good play to pick up property on the off season when things are slow as it is always our best time to strike, along with the fear that may be in place short term.

So I think this could be a great opportunity to buy, market has been heating up but the off season and fearful investors causing some panic could present some nice deals for investors. There are always deals in any market, there are always pockets that are growing in and around the GTA, so you should never be too discouraged.

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