Go back home by high -speed rail乘着高铁回老家


How great the high-speed rail is ! and next to it is the green ordinary train.

The means of transportation are necessary for people to have a journey. What kind of transportation do you use when you are back home during the spring festival? A plane, a ship, a train or a private car? If it is a transnational tour, that is of course the aircraft, but if it is in the province, I think it is more convenient to take the high -speed rail.



The development of our country’s railway is very fast. In recent years, there have been many high-speed rail line covering the whole country from north to south , east to west . People travel to other places more and more conveniently.

I returned to my hometown for more than 4 hours before, but now it's only more than 1 hour, and the high-speed rail station is next to my home in my hometown . So it takes me about 10 minutes to walk home after getting off the high-speed rail. This is something that people didn't dare to think about, but now it has come true.



The facilities of the high speed rail are also good. Once my cell phone is out of electricity, it can be recharged on the high speed rail. Each car room has a charging socket that can meet passengers' needs. And during the journey, the WiFi is covered completely the whole way that you needn’t worry about the signal. Of course, if the rail goes into the tunnel, the signal will be weak.


车内 2.jpg

Take the high-speed rail and listen to the song on the way , the views outside fly past, your journey has began happily !


交通工具是大家出门旅行必须用到的,你们过年回老家都用什么交通工具? 飞机,轮船,火车还是私家车? 如果是跨国游,那当然是飞机了,可如果是省内游的话, 我觉得比较方便的就是高铁。

中国铁路的发展真是快,几年的功夫,大江南北都有高铁线覆盖,人们出行越来越方便了。我从大连出发回老家,原本4个多小时, 现在也就1个多小时的时间,而且高铁站就在老家旁边,下车之后走个10分钟就到了。这本是原来想也不敢想的事情, 现在都变成了现实。

高铁内部设施也不错,有次我的手机没电了, 在高铁上还能充电。每个车厢都有充电的插座,方便了乘客的需求。而且乘车期间, wifi 全覆盖,不用担心信号的问题。当然了, 如果车进隧道,那信号自然就弱了。


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