Is a mistake a mistake? VIDEO (Question #11)

Do you learn from your mistakes?

"I asked my hubby last night for his thoughts concerning this question and his answer was an incredible gift for it made me think. His response, “What would you define as a mistake?, turned my thoughts in a completely different direction and thankfully so."

Hey Everyone!

We at the Common Guru are excited to present to you the next video in our A New Year (A.N.Y.), a new way question series!

For our readers out there, here the corresponding [@commonguru/a-n-y-questions-is-a-mistake-a-mistake-question-11) for your reading enjoyment.

I look forward to hearing your responses, comments or feedback. Thanks for watching! :)


Question #10 VIDEO
Question #9 VIDEO
Question #8 VIDEO
Question #7 VIDEO
Question #6 VIDEO
Question #5 VIDEO
Question #4 VIDEO
Question #3 VIDEO
Question #2 VIDEO
Question #2 VIDEO
Introductory Video

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