Steemit: No Place for a Polymath...

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."
- Leonardo da Vinci -

Steemit is No Place for a Polymath...

I've been on Steemit for more than two years now. Somehow, my "career" here appears to have followed a bell curve... gradually increasing at first, steepening, but then ultimately nosing over, and seemingly now on the decline.

I've struggled to understand why that is. Recently I had an insight that may be closer to the truth than I care to admit.

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What shall I contemplate today...?
Image courtesy of Pixabay

My interests and my writing are extremely eclectic.

Possibly too eclectic to succeed as a blogger.

Looking back at my Steemit career--which I've made quite easy to do by accessing My Library—you'll see that I've written about many very different things. This is because I am pretty much interested in everything.

Now, I realize that not everyone is interested in everything. A lot of folk are more focused than I, and follow and pursue perhaps one or two principal interests.

Consequently, I have a new working theory.

I think what may be happening might be described in the following example:

An anarchist comes along and reads one of my articles about agorism, or liberty. They find it interesting, enjoyable, useful, educational. As a result, they follow me... only to be disappointed, because my next several articles have nothing to do with freedom. 😮

Repeat the above scenario, ad infinitum.

For any subject area of specific interest... theater, theology, fantasy, science fiction, poetry, grumblings, science, philosophy, natural health, biblical studies, surfing, technology, music...

By the time I "circle back around" to the subject any particular follower is interested in, they've lost interest and moved on.

Deep sigh!

But, perhaps I'm just making up excuses. Perhaps I just won't ever quite make the cut as a "successful blogger."

Nevertheless, I consider myself blessed.

I do seem to have a "core group" of followers that come back, time and again, and read my blatherings. They vote for me, they leave encouraging comments, they bless me with robot votes, they forgive me when I slack off and fail to visit them, and some of them even pray for me.

And so, I'll close by saying this, from my heart:

Thank you to all my faithful friends.

You know who you are.


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P.S. If you have an "in" with anybody at Steemit, Inc. - Would you please ask them to get rid of these damn, extremely annoying "off-website" arrow/boxes? The have, overnight, made Steemit ugly. There are much better solutions.

For an extensive collection of stories,
please check out our Library Stories Shelf - CLICK below:

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Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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