My "Steemit Tickler File" Spring, 2018 🖋

"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit."
- Richard Bach -

Updating this list is long overdue.

I maintain a list of potential Steemit articles. This is the newest version of that list.

This list is sort of a convenient place for me to accumulate ideas for Steemit posts. It is one of three tools that I use to help manage my Steemit presence.

I maintain this list, a list of favorite authors that I want to support and encourage others to support, and of course, my Steemit Library.

Table of Contents

No Way To Go But Up
Image courtesy of Jungwoo Hong and

TIP OF THE DAY: Ignore Steemit, Inc.'s stupid little boxes. Click on any link or image in my articles, and see where it takes you! Trust me, you'll enjoy it.😉

I would simply edit and keep this list up to date,

but the #$&^@ stupid Steemit user interface prevents edits after just one week.

Breaking News! The restriction has been lifted, and I'm now editing this... :D

This restriction on author editing is just plain lame, as I've noted many times before.

I now only update this file once in a while, when I can no longer stand how far out of date it is. Today happens to be that day...

The very first of these reminders to myself can be seen HERE.

I also publish this list because I want readers.

If you see something in the list that intrigues you, or if you have another suggestion for an article I should write, please let me know.

What Would You Like Me To Write About?

Although new ideas keep bubbling to the surface, you can be sure that I'll give your requests priority treatment.

I have managed to trim the list.

Since the last version, I have succeeded in writing articles about these topics from the last version of this list:

  • Will there be lovemaking in heaven? Children?
  • NYM crypto - a little humor
  • How I met Jim Lovell - a true story
  • My Worst Surfing Injury Ever - Do you have a strong stomach?
  • My Surfboard Sings To Me
  • The recently expanded universe (1 to 2 trillion galaxies!)
  • More "How To Fix Anything" articles - How I fixed my wife's oven
  • Promoting the Steem Economy
  • More New Earth Fantasy Stories

Rather than link every one for you, I hope that (if you missed them) you'll visit my Library, find the article you're interested in, and read it. Just because Steemit only rewards "the latest and greatest" doesn't mean you can't reward yourself by looking up and enjoying my (still quite worthwhile) older articles!

Note: If an article isn't yet indexed in my Library, open my blog and scroll down to the most recent Library update... you'll find the article between there and the newest blog entry.

Here's my current, ever-growing,

ever changing list of the "gleams in my eye," the things that I think I have something to say about. Which article(s) should I write next? Let me know.


  • Why were the Canaanites terrified?
  • The beauty of cycles
  • Lift Up Your Head...
  • More "Curmudgeon's Bible" (meaning of "holy," etc.)
  • The Library of Heaven
  • Why you need not fear true Christianity
  • Capricious gods vs Jesus
  • Could anything hold
    your attention for eternity?
  • Poems about future loves
  • The Riddle of Solomon's
    Sea of Brass and the Number Pi
  • Interpretive keys to the book of Revelation
  • Is liberty even possible
    when death is inevitable?
  • Family relationships help us
    understand how much Jesus loves us
  • Musings on The Incarnation
  • Occam's razor cuts both ways
  • End of the debate road
  • Credit where credit is due!
  • If No Respect for History, then Miracles Won't Cut It
  • Psalm 15 rant
  • Evangelism's (Well Deserved) Bad Reputation...
  • Need for and Benefits Of Rest,
    The practicality of sabbaticals
  • The difference between childish and child-like
  • The Flying Spaghetti Monster
  • Continuity of identity in the resurrection...
  • Meaning of "antichrist."
  • My theory of less time
  • What's in a name? True names...
  • Telling and attending stories in search of answers...
  • Having a conversation with my former self...
  • The integrative effects of singing
  • Intimacy
  • True Rest
  • Is Sin a Thing?
  • The polarizing nature of truth
  • Heaven comes to all; not all survive it
  • Not what you know, who.
  • Are missions futile?
  • Glory Shock; who, unexpected
  • Joint ownership of everything
  • The Jesus Christ Show


  • You can't go home again...
  • Open v Covert Defiance
  • Impossibility of writing it all
  • World of Illusions
  • Can't go home again
  • Balancing excitement and frustration
  • We're all jugglers now
  • My brag book
  • Lies We Tell Ourselves
  • Ephemeral thoughts
  • Layoffs
  • How to interview for, and get, that job you want
  • Happy to see you...
  • Myriad Careers
  • Change, the only constant
  • Antes Que Morir
  • Myths about contracting
  • The Equalizer
  • Change: Not Only Possible, Essential

Anarchy versus Government

  • What is the ultimate in liberty?
  • We've all been brainwashed
  • You might be a State worshipper if...
  • What is oppression?
  • A series of "inconvenient truths"
  • Does the Bible Condemn the U.S. Government?
  • What is money? Source of wealth?
  • Raise awareness, not taxes
  • Words of Art / Terminology Traps
  • Agorist Toolkit
  • Trial By Declaration - Beat that ticket!
  • What is oppression?
  • LLC Privacy
  • Every Sale Matters
  • Duped into Hating Your Neighbor?

Creativity / Art and Photography

  • Photos of an unusual jewelry box I made
  • Cross Stitch
  • Glendalough
  • Balboa Park Museums
  • Chestnuts are the bomb!
  • Guacamole recipe


  • Funny pills for funny ills
  • "These are not the droids you're looking for..."


  • Corn Cobs for Kidney Stones
  • The Bob Beck protocol
  • Cleanses
  • Brain Tuner
  • Royal Raymond Rife
  • Zinc acetate lozenges

True Life Stories

  • How we ended up in California

  • Visiting Julian and Anne

  • Flying dreams

  • Cartoon animal dreams

  • Using my childhood apophenia when scribbling...

  • Human physical capacity exceeds what we know...

  • Our Grandson's Cancer

  • Magic Mountain Chaperone

  • St. Thomas Hurricane

  • My Greatest Cheerleader

More Surfing Stories

  • Rips
  • Surfmobile ][

Science and Space

  • Speaker independent speech recognition
  • The remarkable history of computer speech
  • Bucky Fuller geometry...

Design, Invention, Technology

  • Inventions yet to be prototyped
  • Accessible seating...
  • Firefly Firmware
  • Sleep Experiments
  • LTD - Lunar Transport Device
  • Easy-clean, walk-in showers
  • A simple beach shower
  • The sad story of my home-made wood stove
  • Genesis creation as a model for engineering...
  • How to take a project from conception to
    engineered completion to mass production
  • Revolutionizing the teaching of trigonometry
  • More "How To Fix Things" articles
  • Hand-held 3D photography and etc.
  • 3D Red/Blue Anaglyph Sketching
  • Tiny Cube House

Retro Computing

  • Butterfield Lunar Lander
  • Xanadu
  • My Text Adventure Tool
  • Waduzitdo
  • Paper Tape
  • Kim-1


  • My Steemit Strategy - Steemit and Me
  • Saving What's Important
  • Steem Economy
  • Glass Ceiling
  • Getting Attention
  • Array-Link Indexed Table of Contents
  • Proof of Priority
  • Steemit Archaeology
  • I exist; May I help you?
  • Diagnosis: STEEMIT Brain!
  • Hello. My name is Social Media. You killed my Facebook. Prepare to die!
  • Leaving a legacy
  • Readers v Voters, the Steemit Dilemma

Fiction and Fantasy

  • AI in Denial (an S/F story)
  • Flood Series
  • Adam
  • Was there an antediluvian rapture?
  • New Earth Fantasy

To Be Continued...

In the COMMENTS below, please let me know what you'd like me to write about next?

Meanwhile, let's go surfing!

Table of Contents

Surfing Sunset - Image courtesy of Jeremy Bishop and


P.S. If you have an "in" with anybody at Steemit, Inc. - Would you please ask them to get rid of these damn, extremely annoying "off-website" arrow/boxes? The have, overnight, made Steemit ugly. There are much better solutions.

Visit My Steemit Library for more articles on every topic under the sun.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

LOOK! Check out our amazing product:
Introducing: The SILVERengines proton - Image by @creatr
CONTACT US - Will Exchange for Steem

Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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