Letter Found On The Kitchen Table Saturday Morning - Original Cat Communication -

Dear people who live in the house with me,

You can be such thoughtful humans. Thank you so very much for putting out the new, extra large, late-night snack bag for me, before you went to bed last night. Though not as easy to open as touted on those TV commercials you both watch on that big box on Saturdays, I found the double-layer freshness system to be quite easy to access, with a bit of ingenuity and stick-to-it-tive-ness.

I do like that new flavor, and though I've never actually SEEN one of those chicken or salmon things in real life, they taste pretty good, and are a nice compliment to the canned Friskies. You'll note that I kept the head entry-hole small, so as to not seem too greedy, and to make it easy for you to move the bag around today. I might suggest keeping it closer to the water dish. More than 78 of those crunchy little things really drive up a thirst.

Also, please notice that I did not leave a SINGLE nugget on the floor. I know how upset that man gets when he steps on things in the dark with his bare feet. That was QUITE a ruckus last Thursday morning at 3:40, when he found the squishy dead mouse I left for you in the kitchen doorway. I've since learned my lesson, my gifts to you will be under the couch from now on.

Thank you again, and have a good day.
I know I will.


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