Debunked myths. Part 2

Continuing with this series of articles!

Today's myth: “Married = having a partner for life”

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This is regrettably false, and very easy to prove.

We all have had our own partners and known a lot of couples that seemed like 2 lovebirds. And where are those couples now? Obviously love doesn’t always last forever.

We also see an increasing number of people getting divorced, I am sure we all have friends who after getting married, ended up separating themselves. And there is also a lot of married couples who’s life is not necessary all happy and perfect.

But what does this means?

Well, it doesn’t mean love isn’t real, or that there aren’t happy couples that last, no! Nothing could be further than the truth.

What it means is the fact that there is a myth involving the believe that after getting married it will all end up going well by itself, but we all know the reality is very different.

A good example is a curious popular belief that consist on the fact that after marriage, the man start to develop a beer belly, and the woman stops worrying about her looks. This happens because their both take each other for granted.

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Even Spiderman develops a beer belly after getting married


Couples should try to be happy together and love each other for the rest of their life, and this cannot be accomplished without dedicating time and daily work towards that goal.

I have seen some close couples fall apart because they weren’t able to share enough time together and eventually they drift off each other, breaking some friendships with this...

Since being with a partner is a team work, both have to put their best effort each day in order to understand each other as a person, and satisfy their own personal needs and the partner needs.

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In other words, this is a 2 members team and in order to win they both must play in, otherwise, they will both lose the match...

Feel free to share your opinion.

Do you think couples eventually end up taking themselves for granted, and stop nourishing the relationship because of that?

Scientists and engineers: heroes in silence

Decorating the Christmas tree with bills

About the number #1 tool of successful people: an agenda

Playing, sharing and cleaning session at the lake with kids!

Cultural myths and taboos of modern society. Part 1


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