ecoTrain Question Of The Week and $30 SBD Giveaway: "What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity?". Enter for a chance to win AND a chance to become a passenger on the ecoTrain!

This week's question was proposed by @michellecarter

Welcome to our question of the week and competition! The topic this week is a very positive question that fits so well with the ecoTrain theme. We had a great response from several ecoTrain'ers and as always have managed to answer the same question from varied and deep perspectives.

We are also continuing with our writing competition and awards! This week we are offering a $10 SBD to the three top posts we get in response to our competition. We want you to read our passengers posts and then write your own on the same question!

We are also looking for new ecoTrain passengers now and have a two spots open! This competition is the way to get on board and show us your writing passion! Ppassenger on the ecoTrain enjoy our community, support and encouragement. Please see the end of this post for more details!


What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain Question Of The Week

At first, I wanted to answer this question from a spiritual angle along the lines of “serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realize“ the credo of my guru Swami Sivananda but then I came across an article by a guy from my hometown which inspired me to a different answer. Like Swami Sivananda he is also a doctor, so a professional helper, but unlike many other doctors he goes the extra mile. So this, in a nutshell, is already the answer to this weeks question: Go the extra mile! In all your endeavours, professional or private, in the pursuit of your dreams, go the extra mile, give everything you got to give because the world is full of half-hearted mediocrity... CLICK TO READ MORE


What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain Question of The Week

As a Divine Channel there are many things I can think of that would have a big positive change on humanity, but there is one thing in particular that I believe would have a truly profound affect on how we all interact with each other and the snowball affect this would have long term on communities and humanity in general, this one thing is discernment. CLICK TO READ MORE.


What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain Question of The Week

Ok, guys my answer is going to be real quick! LOVE YOURSELF! HEAL YOURSELF! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! CLICK TO READ MORE.



What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain Question of The Week

My answer to this question literally popped into my head without any thought this week! I felt that the answer needed to be one that includes all of humanity and not just one country or continent. What humanity is sorely lacking these days is any kind of equality or fair distribution of money and opportunity. Our free market Capitalist systems have brought us a long way in the last few hundred years, but have they had their time?! CLICK TO READ MORE.


What one thing can any person do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain question of the week

What would it be? Something everyone can do – in this world of specialization there is not a whole lot that everyone can do. Think about it. Think about it like you would a brain teaser. Think ‘laterally’. Think. Think. Think about other people’s feelings. CLICK TO READ MORE.


What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity?

There are so many good and valid answers to this question that I had to scratch behind my ears. But not for long. My answer to this question is very short: Try to do no harm. Or even shorter.. CLICK TO READ MORE


UP TO THREE winners be awarded $10 SBD each!


a) Make the title of your post:
"What one thing can any person do to make a positive impact on humanity? ecoTrain question of the week"

b) The main category tag of your post should be:

so we can all see them at


(you may use additional category tags but please do not tag ecotrain!)

Winners will be chosen and announced on Tuesday 26th September

Don't forget this is your chance to also join the ecoTrain!

Click Here For More Info About The ecoTrain

A very special thank you goes out to:


for contributing to the prize pot this week:

Check out what's trending this week on the ecoTrain, with 14 amazing passengers on board!

We Thank You For Re-Steeming!

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