Story of a kid which became a fisherman. [Photos, video]

Hi everyone.
I want to tell you some story today, as I said in previous posts my greatest passion is fishing and I started to do that since I was 4 years old kid. In that age and later on I was not thinking about what do I want to do in the future. I was always looking for something what I enjoyed like fishing and there was a time in high school when I was thinking about being football player or some other sport even if I wasn't super good I loved it. After I had terrible injury of my knee on one of my training days I wasn't able to play competitively so I abandoned it.
After high school I didn't have any idea what I want to do with my life. I had 4 moths holidays fishing with a friend at the lake of my small city Olecko. After that time someone told me about University of Warmia and Mazury in Poland and that one of the faculties has field of study Ichthyology (fish science) so next week I applied there.


Those studies were really interesting and I found myself again. I graduated that University at masters level. After that I tried to find job in that matter but I found difficulties as a young man in Poland it's not easy task. I didn't have enough connections which is sad thing in my country because that's main thing to get good job there. After 2 years of looking and applying for work I just stopped and with support of my newly met girlfriend I tried my luck in other country which was United Kingdom more specifically Oxford, England. I had a friend there who helped me to find a room and work to start my life there. It wasn't too hard as I already knew English because I was working meanwhile summer breaks in my University on few short contracts abroad (relocation company in France and Sweden). Short after I came I was able to get all the requirements for working and I found work after 1 week of being there. I started work as a kitchen porter and desserts chef in one of the restaurants and after 3 months of hard work I have been promoted for a section chef (starter chef).

I found myself enjoying my work a lot because cooking was one of my secondary passions. Besides that I found a lot new friends there in my restaurant. We were like family and don't get me wrong it wasn't that we all loved each other but at the end we made good team who helps each other in hard moments.

Some of my coworkers are my really close friends now and we are still in contact. I left UK after 1 year and I moved to Panama to my lovely fiance (now my wife) but that story I told to you guys in my first post.
In Panama life, climate and people are totally different that in Europe. I started to believe even more that I can make my dreams come true and I'm not saying that it's really easy to start living here but that's the topic for another story but somehow there is a magic in this country which makes me feel good.
Exactly here in Panama I found my new dream which is organizing Fishing Trips. I want to try fishing in as many places as it's possible here and get enough experience and funds to make this dream come true. So I wish you are going to support me with that guys.
Steemit is one of the things which is letting me to express myself and build relations and contacts with people and I'm really glad that I can be part of it. Thanks for all the support from you guys and I wish there could be and will be more of you.
It's my second week here and I'm getting closer to 100 followers, that gives me power so keep following me because I need you.
I want to share one video with you, because I feel exactly the same as this guy:

Here you can find some of my other posts/stories:










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