If your dreams come true

Everybody has some crazy God dreams that they really want to happen in their lives (including me). Some want to become millionaire while some just want to be happy, some want to be popular while some want to have hottest wife/husband, some want to help poor while some want to have sports car and the list goes on. We really want these dreams to be true to feel more alive and happy. We, unconsciously, think of these dreams all day and expect that some day it will be true. We do our best to fulfil our wishes and dreams.

Source : PIXBAY

I always wonder, What will I do if all my dreams come true? Sometimes I thought of never going to work, having infinite money, name and fame, keep eating chocolates, having my own theatre, and most of all the hottest girlfriend. It would be so perfect. I think of it every day before sleeping and thinking about experiencing my dream life. It just give me so much happiness just thinking about it. I try to do my best to fulfil my wishes.

Source : PIXBAY

But I have experienced that our wishes doesn’t stop. It just keep on increasing and becoming more and more expensive. The more we fulfil our wish, we wish more to be fulfilled. But it doesn’t mean to just stop dreaming and wishing to have what you can’t have. It actually gives a lot of motivation to do what we do. If you want your life to be more interesting just think about what good things you have and what you can add and dream to make it more cheerful. Sometimes when life screws you over and even when you go bankrupt, Just don’t stop dreaming. Don’t dream that big that you can’t enjoy your present because life is all about having fun!!!. 

Source : PIXBAY

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