5 Things I Am Grateful For - The GOOD VIBES Contest!

Most of us never stop to consider our blessings; rather, we spend the day only thinking about our problems. But since you have to be alive to have problems, be grateful for the opportunity to have them. -Bernie Siegel

Being grateful for what we have when it feels like we don't have anything at all, is really difficult. It is hard on our mind, body and soul. We spend so much time thinking of what is wrong or what could go wrong that we do not stop to enjoy what we do have. We are all guilty of it, it is almost natural for us to stress and worry. What if we took a moment to step back and really reflect on what we do have? Take a moment to appreciate what we do have.

Your house isn't as big as you want? That's okay because you have a roof over your head. Your vehicle isn't as nice as the neighbors? That's okay as long as it gets you from point A to point B. You don't have expensive clothes and can't afford steak every night for dinner? That's okay!

Someone somewhere doesn't have a home, they don't have clean water, cant eat and they can't bathe. I am the first one to break down into a sobbing mess when life doesn't go my way. I have to always be reminded that things could be worse and that I need to be grateful for what I do have. @corina has done an amazing job of reminding to take the time and look around at the good in my life.

In no particular order, here are 5 things in my life that I am grateful for -


Savanna Rayne

I just wrote an entire post about Savanna yesterday but I will forever be grateful that I have her as my daughter. She saved my life and came to me at the perfect time. Shortly after I found out that I was pregnant, I received some terrible news. The news was delivered to me about 15 minutes after I seen her in my belly for the very first time. Had I not been pregnant with my beautiful child when I received this news, I would still be wearing an orange jumpsuit to this day. Savanna has saved my life in so many ways. She is the reason that I wake up everyday and strive to make our lives better. Savanna can instantly bring me out of any bad mood and she always says the sweetest things ever. Our conversation last night before bed, really smacked me straight in my feelings. She was upset because I made her go to bed so this is what she says to me after story time -

"Mom, you're in my heart now, my heart is not broken no more, its fixed."

"You made me so sad and made my heart so broken but my heart don't hurt anymore, mom."

silly faces are the best



My Animals

I have talked about my animals a lot because I really do love them a lot. It is hard to take care of so many animals but it is so rewarding. Animals really are a type of therapy for me and I am truly grateful for that. Lately, these baby bunnies have brought me so much joy. Every morning, I go right over to check on them and make sure everyone is alive and well. They are about 5 weeks old now so they are hopping all over their cage, playing and doing what bunnies do best. They are just the cutest little things, watching them grow has been an incredible experience! There are a total of 6 babies. Even though the babies will be leaving for their furever homes in a few weeks, I am grateful that their parents (Lucky & Bunbun) have given us the opportunity to raise baby bunnies.

almost 2 weeks ago



My Husband

Oh, my husband...The one who makes me go insane is the same person to wrap their arms around me and keep me calm. I have been through so much with my husband. I hear people say that a lot and I believe them but ours is different. I honestly don't know how we have survived and made it this far together and I know he would say the same. I am grateful for so much when it comes to him. He is an amazing father, Savanna is 100% a daddy's girl. He is currently out of town and yesterday I asked Savanna what she wanted for breakfast and her response was,"I want daddy home". Devon has made the most incredible changes I have ever seen in person. I will forever be grateful for the changes he has made and the man he has become.






We have all made bad choices but it doesn't automatically mean that we are bad people. A few years ago for a very short amount of time, I made some bad choices. A real bad situation turned out to be a blessing after all though. On July 14, 2016 to a major surprise to me, I was arrested on a grand jury indictment. I had a total of 3 charges but I plead guilty to one. The arrest was total BS so I will be leaving this story short today because I will be talking about it in full one day in the future. If I didn't take the plea, I had a high chance of finding my new home in women's prison, so I am incredibly grateful for my freedom that I have today. Although I am still bitter by what the police did to me, I did put myself in that position. So, I have decided to look at the blessings that have come from this certain situation and I am very grateful that I am here today to be grateful for this.




There are a ton of things that I could say I am grateful for but I really wanted to think outside of the box a little. That is where my crystals come in. I really am grateful that I was ever given the opportunity to purchase these. The table that displays my crystals is probably my second favorite place in the house, the first is my fridge. Crystals are just so beautiful and they each carry their own vibration. I feel so different on the days that I carry crystals in pocket. I don't get the chance to purchase them often but when I do, it is probably some of the happiest moments in my life. I am beyond grateful that I have a roof over my head and a place to showcase the crystals.


I am so grateful for so many things. I'm especially grateful that I am alive. Being alive is the sole reason that I am able to enjoy anything! It really helps us out when we sit back, throw the negativity away and truly reflect on what we have in our lives that is good. Suddenly all of those big problems, don't feel so big after all.

Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.


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