HACKED - Don't Be A Victim!

Magical Monday is here to help YOU!

Today's Agenda- Phishing, Scams, Hackers



This post is going up a few hours before it is actually Monday. That is because this post is an EMERGENCY ALERT and emergencies don't wait for a certain day of the week.

Do you know what phishing is?

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No, not that fishing - PHISHING. Phishing is when a hacker attempts to confuse you. They will present what looks to be a legitimate site for you to click on, instead you will be leaving Steemit. The part that confuses you is when the link looks just like a website that we feel safe with, in this case it would be Steemit. The site will look just like Steemit, the only notable difference would be the URL. Most people do not double check the URL if the site feels like home. Once there, they will ask for your password. You will think Steemit had a little hiccup, put in your password and BAM - phished. You know that saying, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck than it must be a duck? That is not the case here, if you click on a link and it ask for your password (even if it looks like Steemit) always double check it! If it looks like Steemit and works like Steemit than it still probably isn't Steemit.

The devil is a liar!

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Think of this like actual fishing. You place some form of bait on a hook with the obvious intention of confusing the fish. The fish falls for it because it just looks so tempting. You then reel in the fish and either eat it for dinner or throw it back wounded. That is what a hacker will do to you from a phishing scam. If given the opportunity, the hacker will eat you alive, they will infest you with bloodsucking leeches!!! Sound dramatic? Yea, that's because it freaking is. They will take all of your hard earned monies, they will drain everything from the inside out. If they don't have the chance to eat you alive, they will torture you and send you back to us wounded. You will army crawl back to us and you will wish that you had listened to all of these warnings going around Steemit. You may be able to recover your account after a hack but you will still have wounds. They may even do what Facebook hackers do all of the time. They will post comments under a legitimate users account in hopes to gain other victims. These hackers can also trick you into clicking on a link that will give your computers a virus. We don't like to spread viruses.

2 days ago, @simplymike gave us an update and as of two days ago, there were 105 known phishing domains. 4 days before that, there were 66 known phishing domains. Don't you dare say this can't happen to you either. Could you imagine looking at your Steemit account and having no access to it. Your beautiful reputation score is dropping to the negatives before you can even take another blink. Phishy comments are being sent out under your name. Someone who many probably trust because they like you. Wait, that isn't it. You check your wallet and there is NOTHING. I would crawl into a hole and die, right there on the spot. I don't want any of that to happen to you, that is why I am joining several others on spreading awareness. We can not stop them unless we stop feeding them. Raise awareness!

How can you protect yourself?

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Whatever you do,

  • DO NOT click on any random link
  • DO NOT click unknown links or messages in your wallet
  • DO NOT put in your key/password until you have triple checked the site
  • DO NOT fall for something that sounds absolutely too good to be true
  • DO NOT use your master/owner key. Use your posting key

To find your posting key, go to your wallet and click on permissions. You will then find your keys. Get your master key and keep a copy locked far far away. Again, use your posting key from now on, not your master.

Below is an example of a tempting but oh so phishy comment -


Stolen money will not be returned to you. Pay attention to everything that you click on. Some of the sites will even have a single letter misspelled, such as Sleemit. Quickly looking at it, if the site looks like Steemit than you wouldn't know any different. If you are using a computer, be sure to always hover over the links and check where you are being sent to. Watch your comments, if someone promises you something incredible, do your research before you click. If their reputation is super low and they are promising the seven kingdoms, they are phishing. Check their comments, if they are replying the same exact message, the message has a link and the message sounds phishy, they are phishing. If you find a phishing scam or something alerts you, please let @steemcleaners know what you found. They will even reward you if it is indeed a phishing scam. Take what you found to their discord by clicking here - https://discord.gg/Pc6Q7uT.



I am posting this inside of my Magical Monday because this magical day is all about giving back to the community. I want everyone who is featured in this post, to be aware of phishing scams when they read it. I want everyone who looks for Magical Monday to be aware when they read it. I want everyone who is new to this special day of mine and any new users who I try to reach out to on this magical day, to be aware. I will never understand how someone can take everything from someones account. We all work so hard here, we are all a community. A community that should be helping each other out and building each other up. There is enough hate and evil in this world and it makes me sick to my stomach to see those people come to Steemit. If this wasn't supposed to be such a professional post for newbies, I would tell those hackers exactly how I feel. F*CK YOU HACKERS!!

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Magical Monday is all about giving back to the community. Today is a special day because this is my #newbieresteemday! That means I will spend time today searching for quality post that newbies have written and resteem them. Today 2 special newbies will also be featured in this post as well as one awesome experienced Steemian.

Each person featured (in the Magical Monday section) will receive a percentage of the SBD that this Magical Monday receives. @newbieresteemday will also receive a percentage so that they can continue to grow their account to better help newbies.


I am a newbie, how do I get the chance to be featured?

The only thing that you have to do is continue being the amazing person that you are. I will watch newbies throughout the entire week and choose newbies that have consistently written quality post. The point of this is to give newbies motivation to continue moving forward on Steemit even when it feels like no one is watching. I want this to hopefully encourage new users to keep on, keeping on. Even if your post are not yet gaining the attention that they deserve, you will always have people routing for you and wanting to see you succeed.

I'm not a newbie but what to know how I can have the chance to be featured as the Steemian of the week?

That's easy. Be the best you that you can be!


Newbies Of The Week


Just a guy who loves having a good time with his family and friends while living a simple life.

I just found this guys account not long ago, thanks to @davemccoy's Play 4 a newbie challenge. He has been working so hard to give back to the Steemit community. @johndoer123 also writes really meaningful comments. If you follow along with my Magical Mondays, you will already know that I believe writing thoughtful comments are a key step to success here. What I was saying about Steemit being a community that should be building people up, I meant that. This guy is a prime example of who we should be supporting on this platform. Not only that, he recently wrote a post to raise awareness for phishing scams, extra bonus there for that one!

Check out some of his recent post

this one is almost past payout but still worth spreading the word about phishing


What do you believe in?



Fitness Trainer , Life Coach and Physical Security Specialist on a Journey to Learn, Create and Inspire

I can pretty much guarantee that everything he writes, will benefit you in one way or another. He is very nice and again always leaves thoughtful comments. He recently started a class to learn ways that help with gaining a superbrain and he shares tips that he learned with all of us. He also shares his progress throughout this 30 day course. Who doesn't want a superbrain?

Check out these recent post on ways for us to gain a superbrain

A Superpower In 30 Days - Day 3 The Keys To Unlocking The Superbrain.

A Superpower In 30 Days - Day 5 Brain Food And Using The Body To Memorize


Steemian Of The Week


Laying around, listening for that special something, just watching the world go by.

Super awesome Steemian right here. They work really hard for the community. During the @greetersguild contest, @bashadow put in a lot of time, upvotes and comments on ALL of the entries. There were a lot of them too, they checked every single one of them for any form of spam or plagiarism. They also were included in the Play 4 a newbie challenge and almost every game got played by @bashadow, who is a much appreciated member of @newbieresteemday. Every entry into a contest was on behalf of this challenge. They actually motivated me to get my butt in gear and start playing in more contest.

Please show @bashadow some support!

Music Heals The Soul 🎶 Contest Time! - - - My entry
all proceeds from this post go into the prize pool for the newbie challenge

You Have Lost Control of Your Account, "What Now"


Don't forget to drop a link in the comments for a newbie that you feel deserves a resteem as part of my Magical Monday #newbieresteemday. Newbies are welcome to stop by as well and drop their links. Always remember that communication is key here on Steemit.

A big thank you to @simplymike for working so hard to raise awareness about phishing scams!


Recent post you might like

Music Heals The Soul 🎶Contest Time!

More on phishing scams

@simplymike -Got Hacked? Here's How To Get Your Account And Reputation Score Back!

@guiltyparties -Phishing Messages + FAQ

@themarkymark -Don’t get hacked - How to be Smart!




Join both discords with these two links - https://discord.gg/4qTPqNC & https://discord.gg/5C2VGEE


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