You Be The Judge- IFC - S1 : R30 entry

Most Important Issue

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Hmm, we could sit here and talk for hours about what the biggest issue in the world is, couldn't we?

  • Greed
  • Hunger
  • War
  • Homelessness
  • Poverty
  • Disease
  • Pollution
  • Obesity
  • Corrupt Government
  • Addiction
  • Bullies

and plenty more

Trust me, I believe that all of those listed plus some are the biggest problem in the world. Today, I want to talk to you about something that the most people wouldn't think to add on their list.

Judge not unless you judge yourself. Judge not, if you're not ready for judgment. - Bob Marley

To judge another person by their appearance, lifestyles and any other reason someone might be judged for, what exactly does that do for you? If only people could get dressed for the day and not have to wonder if they will be judged that day. If only people could get in their 20 years old car with rust spots and not have to wonder if they will be judged that day. If only people could wake up every single day of their lives and not have to wonder if they will be judged.

This actually in a way goes with bullying. A lot of times children are bullied because they are being judged. Parents have to buy their children name brand shoes or else the children will be judged by other children. To say that their clothes come from Goodwill, Walmart or a dollar store is often not an option for children. Judging another person sure does start young, eh? I was bullied very bad in the fourth grade. It was my first year in this school and thankfully, my last. Why was I judged? Because I was white. I was one of four Caucasian children in the entire school. I didn't mind because I was taught not to judge others but they sure as hell cared that I was white.

Women feel like they have to live up to a certain standard. We need to walk around in high heels, with perfect hair, a skinny waist and red lipstick on. We feel like we are supposed to live up to this standard. Why? Because women are judged or looked at funny if they don't. So what if a women wants to wear baggy clothes with her hair up. So what if a woman wants to do a "mans job". So what if a woman wants to have no hair. So what if a woman, doesn't want to be a woman. So fucking what!

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All day long, adults judge other adults. I see this every single day of my life. I see a car pull up that is struggling but makes it into the parking lot. Grown ass adults will sit there and break their necks to stare or snicker with whomever they are with. Did that vehicle just get that person from point A to point B? Yes, yes it did. A gothic person will walk past and people in the line all shiver from fear. Why, why is that person hurting you?

Okay, lets talk parents. Parents will be the very first to judge another parent.

  • "Don't tell me your child sleeps in your bed?"
  • "Oh god, you breast feed?"
  • "You do know that breast milk is the only way your child will be healthy."
  • "Don't hold your child to much, let the baby cry."
  • "Both parents should work, stay at home moms are lazy"
  • "Moms should always stay home with their children, the bond is better"
  • "Ew, you have tattoos and your a parent? Gross."

Blah,blah, blah ... it just doesn't end. I could continue this list of all the things I have seen parents judge other parents for. It is your child. If your child has a roof over their head, clothes on their back, a full belly and love than you are doing just fine. What does one get from judging other parents?

So what if a person works a Mcdonalds. So what if their appearance isn't what suits your liking. So what is a person can not afford to live rich and famous. Let them be! If you don't fit in with what society thinks you should be, shine bright and be proud! Do whatever you need to do so that you can provide. Be and do what makes you happy. Judging other people even by simply staring at them, can still damage a person.

Be the best you that you can be

My solution - mind ya damn business

I feel like I do need to add that common sense should still be in play here with everything. I am not saying that it is okay to walk around with bad hygiene if you are happy with that. Although we still shouldn't judge you, it isn't healthy. Make sure you still brush your teeth, wear deodorant and wash your ass. If your vehicle is smoking and clearly unsafe, do not drive it and so on.

Alright, so I just want to thank the judges at @ifc for letting me rant a bit there. This is my entry for IFC S1 - R30 : Most Important Issue?.


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