Daily Inpirational/Motivational Quotes Inspiring/Encouraging Quotes #7 Walter Anderson - Action

Daily Inpirational/Motivational Quotes Inspiring/Encouraging Quotes #7
Walter Anderson
Daily InpirationalMotivational Quotes InspiringEncouraging Quotes #7 Walter Anderson - Action.jpg

Walter Anderson (born August 31, 1944) was the Chairman and CEO of Parade Publications (2000–2009) and he was the Editor of Parade magazine for 20 years before being named CEO.

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Believe it or not if you click the source link below Walter's description you will learn that this guy was a high school drop out that became very successful. His story is worth the read.

Anyway, today marks day 7 in an ongoing series meant to inspire and motivate you to bring out the best parts of yourself!

I've been writing this blog now for a week and I have to tell you, I love it!

I love motivating people as much as I seem to love blogging!

Anyway, enough about that, down to the nitty-gritty.

So after dropping out of high school Walter Anderson made a heck of a career for himself, became known all over and inspired tons of people. Pretty cool.

So how did he do it?

Well today's quote from him may give some clues:

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.”

I was taught something a couple years back that goes hand in hand with this statement. Something that has become one of my many mantras.

Action kills doubt.

Let's say you just landed a job in telemarketing (Mostly obsolete now but it makes for a good point.). For many this type of job can bring about tons of fears and doubts because you are cold calling people that generally don't want to hear a pitch on the phone from a stranger.

So it's your first day and you think of all the things that could go wrong with the call...

They could just hang up.
They could yell at me.
They may not answer to begin with.

So, an hour goes by then two, three...

You still haven't made a call because of all of the doubts that you faced when you first came to work.

Each moment that you don't pick up the phone makes it harder and harder to do so. Pretty soon you are trapped in a vicious doubt/fear cycle.

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But, what happens if you pushed through those doubts as soon as you came in, you took action and just started making calls?

First call, the lady hangs up.
Second call, the guy yells at you.
Third call just isn't answered.

After that first call this just became immeasurably easier. Each time the call hasn't gone right you are learning how to make the next call go better.

Before you know it you've gotten leads and even landed a few accounts!

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When you have doubts, the very best thing that you can do it act!

Do something!

Make a decision and act on it!

Maybe you'll decide not to do it but at least you won't be stuck in the doubting moment for an extended period.

Doubting only brings more doubting.

Action will inspire more action!

It's really that simple!

"Man I don't know if I should apply for that job, it's a little out of reach."

"Maybe I shouldn't talk to her, she looks out of my league."

These are perfect examples of doubts that people face daily.

Go apply for that job, go talk to that woman!

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The worst that can happen is you will hear is a "No".

At least you will not be stuck with a "what if". Those really tend to linger.

So the next time you are psyching yourself out and letting doubt rear its ugly head, think of what Walter Anderson says:

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.”

And always remember:

Action kills doubt!

Thanks for reading.
Michael David

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